How to Bounce Back After a Failed Online Course Launch
In a growing online course industry with more and more people than ever starting a side hustle or becoming a coach, there are a whole lot products on the interwebs for people to see, and a whole lot of EXPECTATIONS around what can happen in a launch.
Especially with Big Name “experts” telling everyone and their mother that as long as they have an idea and a dream, then they can have a successful online business from year 1.
I’m writing this article today to act as a guide for those who just experienced a flopped launch, or who has in the past and are still hurting from it.

Decolonizing Marketing & Business with Lettie Sullivan of Goddess Ministry
Lettie Sullivan, Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, joins Sam to discuss how you can decolonize your marketing, bring more compassion & understanding into your business, and connect more authentically to your audience.

How to Build Authority & Create Rabid Fans with Matt Gordon
Matt Gordon is a cult kingmaker who helps entrepreneurs become leaders of their field with reputations that span centuries. This week, he joins Sam to discuss what it takes to be a visionary thought leader and how to create rabid fans.

Planetary Magick: Venus & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a special ritual to attract your perfect audience)
In Planetary magic, each planet has its own unique energy based off the ancient archetypes that exist unconsciously in human brains. Each planet rules over certain areas of our lives.

Myth Busting! How to become the biggest name in your niche
Have you ever joined a program or course and thought:
“Wow... they’re charging that price for... this???”
If you’re a life long learner this has inevitably happened to you 🤣😭😭😭
It’s the moment you realize you have been vastly undercharging.
And maybe fell into a pool of pity:
“Why the fuck are they making $$$$$ when my work is so much better than there’s??”
It can make you feel jaded for your industry.
It can make you feel jaded for marketing yourself on the internet, period.
The key is to flip this pity party.
The price for the Alchemical Business Intensive increases by $1000 next week so if there is any inkling in your heart to join - book a 30 min call with me & we can talk about your business:

Using your magic to boost your business
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 9: Using your magic to boost your business

The 3 business systems you need in place NOW
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 8: The 3 business systems you need in place NOW

Why your business' identity is way bigger than branding
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 7: Why your business' identity is way bigger than branding.

The daily actions that actually matter
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 6: The daily actions that actually matter.

Creating a business rhythm for CHANGE and MOMENTUM
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 5: creating a business rhythm for CHANGE and MOMENTUM

Monthly Marketing Flow
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 4: Monthly Marketing Flow

Empowered Relationships with Your Clients and Potential Clients
We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days. This is Day 3: Empowered relationships with your clients & potential clients.

Creating a business action plan that aligns with the seasons + a guided summer solstice meditation!
Today we’re talking about creating a business action plan that aligns with the seasons.
And make sure you stay on ‘til the end, because I’ll be leading you through a guided summer solstice meditation!

One key to growing your business: Sales calls that give value
I definitely fall into the camp of not having any regrets because all of the fuck ups and failures and totally embarrassing & cringe-worthy experiences I’ve gone through has gotten me to where I am now… But I did do a mental exercise the other day & ended up thinking about “What do I regret not doing sooner in my business” And there were a good 5 things that I identified as key elements that would’ve gotten me to a successful, scalable, profitable business in 2 or 3 years instead of 10. I’ll take you through all of them in time but one I really want to highlight today is sales. It’s one thing that I know limited my earning potential - being unwilling to do sales calls. Probably beyond even that was not realizing that I should be doing sales calls in the first place. So tune in for some best practices for doing sales calls that GIVE VALUE!

How to Trust Your Intuition in Marketing
After you’ve set up your marketing systems and you’re ready to move on to what’s next, maintain a booming business, and recruit hundreds of new leads… That’s when it’s time to turn inward.

What are Actionable Metrics? & How to pair them with your intuition in growing your business
Most of the businesses that we work with KNOW that they should be tracking their numbers and really WANT to be tracking their numbers, but that desire hasn't been enough to actually make it happen... consistently. Others though, are so connected in with their intuition for decision making that they don't think that something so technical could really help them.

How (and Why) You Need to Optimize Your Lead Magnet Today
Lead magnets are an important part of your digital marketing funnel.
A strong lead magnet can help you attract the right audience, show value to more potential customers or clients, and ultimately increase your revenue.
Here’s how to do it right.

Business Objections And How To Overcome Them
No matter how good what you sell is, people are going to have objections. And that’s ok! And if they tell you about them EVEN BETTER because you can address them head-on.
When you have sold a product or service for a while then you probably know what objections your ideal customer has.

Stop building Half Built Bridges in your business...
7,040 is how many marketing tools are available to us in 2019. That’s 2000 more than 2017, and 5000 more than just 5 years ago! With so many tools and resources available to us it is SO EASY to get overwhelmed by the options.

Marketing should feel good AND do good.
The biggest problem I see with businesses and their marketing? The biggest block to really scaling is feeling like marketing is sleazy, or pushy, or out of integrity. The truth is that when you do marketing right marketing has the potential to really do good.