Creating a business rhythm for CHANGE and MOMENTUM

We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days.

Click here as we dive into The 9 Elements of an in Flow Business

Click here for Day 1: Your Relationship With Your Self & Your Business

Click here for Day 2: Why You Need to Fix Your Relationship with Money, STAT!

Click here for Day 3: Empowered Relationships with Your Clients and Potential Clients

Click here for Day 4: Monthly Marketing Flow

This is Day 5, and we’re talking about the importance of creating a business rhythm for CHANGE and MOMENTUM.

The 5th element of a business that feels IN FLOW is your quarterly rhythm. We can also call this your seasonal rhythm.

Most of us make goals with the New Year, but the staggering stats that only 9% of people keep their New Years resolutions highlight that something is missing.

A seasonal rhythm of reconnecting with & reassessing your goals give you the momentum of continued action, paired with enough wiggle room to change in response to new opportunities & insights.

Today, take out your journal & write on:
What are the 3-7 projects that would most greatly impact me hitting my goals this year?

Let me know what you wrote down!Follow along on the Youtube playlist as new mini-episodes drop every day!

Ready to make your business perfectly in flow… forever?

This special series is brought to you by the Alchemical Business Accelerator: the 6-month small-group program for magical business owners looking to grow their business with ease & the #realbusinessshit no one seems to be talking about.

From now until midnight on July 21st if you apply & are accepted into the Alchemical Business Accelerator then you get a bonus 1-1 strategy session with me!

Head over to to learn more & apply.


The daily actions that actually matter


Monthly Marketing Flow