What are Actionable Metrics? & How to pair them with your intuition in growing your business

Today we wanted to address any resistance you may be having to tracking metrics in your business.

Honestly, most of the businesses that we work with KNOW that they should be tracking their numbers and really WANT to be tracking their numbers, but that desire hasn't been enough to actually make it happen... consistently.

Others though, are so connected in with their intuition for decision making that they don't think that something so technical could really help them.

So let's dig into this.

The Growth Triad

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Within our digital marketing strategy we work with something called the Growth Triad. The 3 areas that you need to have working together for predictable growth are a documented journey, actionable metrics, and tools & tactics.

When most businesses sit down to work on their marketing, they look for and work on the tools and the tactics - the new social media platform, launching a webinar funnel, filming a new sales video - they're working on the knobs and levers of their business. It's the sexiest part of marketing so it's easy for people to get their hearts pumping about it.

Those less sexy parts of the Growth Triad are your documented journey and actionable metrics. Your documented journey is the process you take your prospect through that naturally progresses them from not knowing you at all, to buying and becoming your biggest promoter and fan.

All 3 areas work together.

If you don't have the tools and tactics you need then you'll feel Stuck in the Mud - you know where you’re going, but you don’t have the tools or abilities to get there.

‘If you don't have a documented journey then you'll feel like a One Hit Wonder - Tactics work until they don’t…because there's no unified framework for predictable growth, so you have to generate a ton of energy every month because you're essentially working from scratch every time.

If you don't have actionable metrics in place then you'll feel Bull in a China Shop - Lots of activity with you and your team working full weeks…but you have no clue what’s working.

Why & How to track Actionable Metrics

With metrics, plenty of businesses are tracking something semi often, but often times it's vanity metrics... how many likes, follows or views...

If you aren't creating metrics that are directly connected to your identified needed areas of growth, you're not choosing ones that can enlighten your decisions, and then you aren't tracking them weekly... then you're going to have a hard time making decisions that are consistently moving the needle forward, no matter how intuitive or in the flow you are.


Balancing the Masculine & Feminine in your Marketing

Working with spiritual online business owners has really illustrated the power of bringing together the masculine and the feminine. By balancing the two you can grow that much faster.

The masculine action of tracking hard numbers consistently allows the feminine action of making intuitive embodied decisions that much more powerful.

The masculine structure of a project plan with set deadlines allows for creativity fo flow more consistently.

So if your business is run very much on intuition, I invite you to develop a ritual around setting goals and tracking actionable metrics in relation to your goals.

And don't forget that different people on your team can play more masculine and feminine roles so that you have an overall balanced business.

If you don’t have the team or the structure in place to really scale your business this year, let’s talk! Check out our services page here to see how we can help.

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