How to win at business as an introvert with Casey Lightbody

How to win at business as an introvert with Casey Lightbody

Casey Lightbody joins us to talk about how introverted, intuitive, sensitive women can create their own successful, sustainable businesses, 100% on their terms. What is an introvert? How can introversion be a superpower — and how can it hold you back? And are all introverts rebels? We’re tackling all these questions and more.

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Best Marketing Platforms for Spiritual Entrepreneurs in 2023

Best Marketing Platforms for Spiritual Entrepreneurs in 2023

Discover the best marketing strategy and platforms for 2023. Whether your intention for this year is to have a fully booked schedule, making more money, launching your program, or spending less time in your business — these marketing platforms are going to save you a TON of time & energy.

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When to Write a Book for Your Business with Book Coach Elizabeth Lyons
BAAMP, Business Strategy, Interview Sam Garcia BAAMP, Business Strategy, Interview Sam Garcia

When to Write a Book for Your Business with Book Coach Elizabeth Lyons

Sam is joined by Elizabeth Lyons, a 5x bestselling author who helps people write powerful, thought-provoking books that give them credible authority & that readers can't put down. They discuss when it is the right time to write a book, how you can write a high quality book that delivers incredible value, and more.

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Becoming the Visionary CEO for More Profit & Productivity with Tamara Green, Helena Grant, Maude Schellhous & Robin Langford

Becoming the Visionary CEO for More Profit & Productivity with Tamara Green, Helena Grant, Maude Schellhous & Robin Langford

Sam interviews 4 magical business owners from the last round of the Alchemical Business Intensive. They talk about what being a visionary CEO means to them and what that transformation actually looked like for them over the past half year.

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From Overwhelmed Entrepreneur to Visionary CEO with Helena Grant

From Overwhelmed Entrepreneur to Visionary CEO with Helena Grant

Special guest Helena Grant, a Transformational Coach, Oracle and Priestess of The Kite, joins Sam to discuss her experience over the past 6 months in the Alchemical Business Intensive and everything she has done to go from overwhelmed entrepreneur to visionary CEO.

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The 4 Archetypes of Magical Business Owners
3 signs you're blocking your destiny
Working with your nervous system to overcome burnout, access your intuition & increase your income with Bryn Bamber
2 lessons I learned from hiring an Executive Assistant & hitting Inbox Zero

2 lessons I learned from hiring an Executive Assistant & hitting Inbox Zero

Sam shares 2 lessons she learned from hiring an executive assistant and hitting inbox zero. She also shares the system she uses to keep her inbox organized, allowing her to free up more time for creative work.

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4 Key Videos That Will Grow Your Business On Youtube (so you can say goodbye to social media stress)

4 Key Videos That Will Grow Your Business On Youtube (so you can say goodbye to social media stress)

Award-winning Youtube expert Jamar Diggs joins Sam to talk about the difference between influencers and CEOs on Youtube. Discover the 4 types of videos that will help you grow your biz on Youtube... so you can stop stressing about winning over the Instagram algorithm & put content creation back into your own hands.

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How To Use Tarot for Business Growth

How To Use Tarot for Business Growth

Tarot is a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, coaches, and course creators to get clarity around your future vision for your online business. Read our free guide for tips to master the art of tarot. Plus, learn a simple 3 card spread to reach your goals!

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