Marketing should feel good AND do good.

The biggest problem I see with businesses and their digital marketing?

The biggest block to really scaling is feeling like marketing is sleazy, or pushy, or out of integrity.

The truth is that when you do marketing right - when you create marketing assets from a place of service to your customers - marketing has the potential to really do good.

What does this mean?

This means creating content that gives value to your customers, before they ever buy from you.

This means forming real human relationships.

... because business is not ever really B2B or B2C it’s HUMAN TO HUMAN!

When you act like humans giving value and serving other humans... then marketing gets really fun.

It’s when you can do what good marketing and sales and business is all about - creating transformation.

You and your business, your products and services, should be focused on this above all. This is what good business is about. Creating transformation for your customers.

And this isn’t just when they buy from you, it starts from right at the beginning of the customer value journey - right when they become aware of you.

That’s the moment when it can start. You providing value. You creating transformation.

Because marketing *can* feel good and do good.

And it should.

The Dirty Alchemy Digital Marketing

Stop building Half Built Bridges in your business...


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