#behindthescenes of my $72K launch
Sam shares key insights & takeaways from the most recent launch of the Alchemical Business Intensive.

One key to growing your business: Sales calls that give value
I definitely fall into the camp of not having any regrets because all of the fuck ups and failures and totally embarrassing & cringe-worthy experiences I’ve gone through has gotten me to where I am now… But I did do a mental exercise the other day & ended up thinking about “What do I regret not doing sooner in my business” And there were a good 5 things that I identified as key elements that would’ve gotten me to a successful, scalable, profitable business in 2 or 3 years instead of 10. I’ll take you through all of them in time but one I really want to highlight today is sales. It’s one thing that I know limited my earning potential - being unwilling to do sales calls. Probably beyond even that was not realizing that I should be doing sales calls in the first place. So tune in for some best practices for doing sales calls that GIVE VALUE!