Why your business' identity is way bigger than branding

We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days.

Click here as we dive into The 9 Elements of an in Flow Business

Click here for Day 1: Your Relationship With Your Self & Your Business

Click here for Day 2: Why You Need to Fix Your Relationship with Money, STAT!

Click here for Day 3: Empowered Relationships with Your Clients and Potential Clients

Click here for Day 4: Monthly Marketing Flow

Click here for Day 5: Creating a business rhythm for CHANGE and MOMENTUM

Click here for Day 6: The Daily Actions That Actually Matter

We’ve now talked about the first 2 keys to an IN FLOW business: RELATIONSHIPS & RHYTHM.

Now we’re onto our third KEY to an IN FLOW business - Externalized Energies.

As magical business owners we have more than our own energy. We have a myriad of external energies to draw upon.

There’s the magically obvious — our rituals & spirit. The forces that we communicate with through our craft and our consistency.

But we also have the very mundane external energies within our business. Our team. Technology. The systems we have in place. Automations.

Both of these aspects - the magical & the mundane - are so powerful and important to have in place. They multiply our impact.

The first element of Externalized Energies is your Business’ Identity.

Your business is a separate entity from you, so you can design it to act as a house for energy to build up on its own.

It builds up its own assets. It’s own identity. It’s own network & reputation.

When you empower your business with its own identity then you gain so much more stability. Your business’ success is no longer reliant on little old you & your meat suit living in a 3d reality.

The first step here is to MEET the soul of your business. You can check out my guided meditation to do this on the Business As A Magical Practice podcast, & if you’ve already done that then start building the habit.

Check-in with the soul of your business every day. Feed it. Listen to it. Honor it.

Bring your most pressing question to it & ask for it’s wisdom.

And don’t forget to tell me about it!

We’re coming on the last 3 days of the early bird bonus period for joining the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

In case you missed it, the Alchemical Business Accelerator is the 6-month small-group program for magical business owners looking to grow their business with ease & the #realbusinessshit no one seems to be talking about.

We start in October, & if you join before midnight on July 21st then you get a bonus 1-1 strategy session with me.

You also get my signature process for booking out your online offers, Monetize Your Magic. So you don’t have to wait until October to start seeing big results. You get to start now.

Follow along on the Youtube playlist as new mini-episodes drop every day!

Ready to make your business perfectly in flow… forever?

This special series is brought to you by the Alchemical Business Accelerator: the 6-month small-group program for magical business owners looking to grow their business with ease & the #realbusinessshit no one seems to be talking about.

From now until midnight on July 21st if you apply & are accepted into the Alchemical Business Accelerator then you get a bonus 1-1 strategy session with me!

Head over to learn.thedirtyalchemy.com/mym to learn more & apply.

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The 3 business systems you need in place NOW


The daily actions that actually matter