Monthly Marketing Flow

We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days.

Click here as we dive into The 9 Elements of an in Flow Business

Click here for Day 1: Your Relationship With Your Self & Your Business

Click here for Day 2: Why You Need to Fix Your Relationship with Money, STAT!

Click here for Day 3: Empowered Relationships with Your Clients and Potential Clients

This is Day 4, all about why you need a Monthly Marketing Flow.

Rhythm touches every part of life, from the moon cycle, to our heart beat. A consistent rhythm brings harmony & peace to our life. It enlivens us & helps us keep momentum.

Adding the structure of Rhythm into our business slashes overwhelm & confusion because we have a pace for creation & review, for decision making & follow through.

The first way we can bring rhythm into our business is with a Monthly Marketing Flow. With each month we can plan our marketing efforts, take action, and then review.

Review is the piece that many people miss. Reviewing our action helps us to learn & optimize, so we know where we’re wasting energy & where we should be doubling down.

To honor this lunar rhythm, today take stock of what has brought in the most results for you in the past - what direct actions & campaigns have you done that have brought in more clients, money & sales.

Whether or not that’s “Industry Standard,” make a plan to simply do more of what’s working & cut out what’s not.

Follow along on the Youtube playlist as new mini-episodes drop every day!

Ready to make your business perfectly in flow… forever?

This special series is brought to you by the Alchemical Business Accelerator: the 6-month small-group program for magical business owners looking to grow their business with ease & the #realbusinessshit no one seems to be talking about.

From now until midnight on July 21st if you apply & are accepted into the Alchemical Business Accelerator then you get a bonus 1-1 strategy session with me!

Head over to to learn more & apply.

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Creating a business rhythm for CHANGE and MOMENTUM


Empowered Relationships with Your Clients and Potential Clients