How to Trust Your Intuition in Marketing

Overwhelmed by all the different marketing tactics, tricks, strategies, and shiny objects?

This one’s for you.

Because your business’ success — it’s next level — can be revealed and guided through your intuition.

… That’s right. We’re all about Intuitive Marketing over here.

If you listen to all the Marketing Advice on the internet… You’re bound to get overwhelmed.

Whether you’ve been marketing for one week or for many years, you’ve probably felt at some point like marketing was overwhelming.

Between all the different marketing tactics and strategies available, it can be hard to know what the best marketing techniques are for your super special unicorn business.

But we have good news for you: Once you understand the basics of marketing and you’ve started to track your numbers, your intuition can be a great tool to help you figure out how to move forward.

“Intuition is the discriminate faculty that enables you to decide which of two lines of reasoning is right. Perfect intuition makes you master of all.” Paramahansa Yogananda

In this blog we’re talking about intuitive marketing

… but if you want to learn more about what actionable metrics are and how you should pair them with your intuition for a wildly successful marketing campaign, we wrote a blog on it that you can read here.

Don’t get us wrong: there are definitely tried-and-true methods for making your business a success, like having a concrete Statement of Value, creating a solid customer value journey, retargeting your potential customers, and a whole host of other strategies...

But after you’ve already set up the basics and you’re ready to move on to what’s next, maintain a booming business, and not be on the non-stop crazy train that many internet-based business owners feel that they’re on…

That’s when it’s time to turn inward.


So how can you set yourself up to have a powerful intuition that you can trust?

It’s all about taking time to be mindful so that you can connect to your inner self, and then paying attention to the synchronicities that pop up.

A great way to become more mindful is by starting out each month with a work plan. Map out what the upcoming month will look like: 

  • What projects will you be working on? 

  • What deadlines do you have to meet? 

  • If you have a team of employees, what will the rest of your team be working on? ...

After you’ve mapped out what the following month will look like, set up a mindfulness routine that you can follow on a daily basis. Setting aside just 15 minutes to an hour every day can completely transform your thought patterns.

If you need some more inspiration, our brilliant client Alexandra Roxo has a badass morning journaling meditation that will jump-start your day and help you feel embodied and present.

Essentially, you want to bring yourself into a state of believing that you are guided and that you can't make a wrong decision with your business.

“You will never follow your own inner voice until you clear up the doubts in your mind.”

― Roy T. Bennett

One of my favorite thought leaders Kathryn Morrison outlines a simple & effective process for  working on upgrading your beliefs, if “I can't make a wrong decision with my business” doesn’t feel at all resonant right now.

Here's the gist:

  1. Meditate on a future version of you, maybe 3 years from now, that has the result that you want (e.g., easily hit the annual revenue that you want, with tons of flow)

  2. Identify what thoughts your future self thinks and believes (e.g., Money loves and supports me, My offerings are life changing, The more money I make the more time I have...)

  3. Feel into those thoughts & beliefs - do any of them resonate now?

  4. Start practicing consistently thinking the thoughts & believing the beliefs that already feel resonant -- take time everyday to find proof that those are already true

  5. For the thoughts that don't yet resonate & just feel like a BS Law of Attraction mantra -- use a thought ladder: what are the steps down from this belief that you can start believing now?

    If you currently believe that "Money is stressful" or "I have to work hard to make money" … then "Money loves and supports me" and "The more money I make the more time I have" will most likely feel like BS right now. 

    Instead try on thoughts that are more neutral to work up to those Future Self thoughts, e.g.,
    “I am open to believing The more money I make the more time I have”
    “I am learning to believe The more money I make the more time I have”
    “It’s possible my brain is not reliable when it tells me I have to work long hours to make money.”

  6. Continue every day ;-)

You have to take the time to work on your beliefs. Give space and attention to the beliefs that are helping you grow, scale, and improve your business. Move past anything telling you that you can’t move forward with your business, or that you don’t know what’s best for your company.

Pay close attention to what actions you feel guided to take. Note the synchronicities that pop up.

Some questions to help you understand what you are inwardly guided to do are:

What symbols or imagery are you seeing over and over, and what do they mean to you?

Who do you feel drawn to working with?

What mentors are you learning the most from, and why?

Where have you focused your energy on your business in the past?

Are you feeling drawn to focusing your energy on a new path?

Looking at those thoughts and feelings will give you clarity as you search for what you are intuitively guided toward.

You can even decide what synchronicities mean before they even happen. 

Seeing repeating numbers, certain animals, hear a specific song… you can choose what things have significance ahead of time & watch the Universe SHOW UP and deliver more and more guidance.

(A big piece to this is to pay attention. If you’re so busy in your head or in your work or in a podcast… you may miss out on some clear communication -- Be receptive!)

The bottom line is this: Don’t make decisions purely from your mind.

We’ve talked to dozens of business owners who have said that after operating solely on intellect and hard numbers for a while, their business started to feel lifeless, less like they had a real voice in what they were going to do next, because they were relying so heavily on following the numbers & “rational” thinking. They felt out of touch from what was really happening to their business.

Following your intuition keeps your finger on the pulse of what’s happening energetically with your business.

When you follow your intuition, sometimes the best choices can simply be seeking out what you enjoy, finding out where your ideal audience is and what they’re doing, and having fun.

Yes, having fun! You’ll be shocked by how much enjoying the time you spend growing your business will help guide you in the right direction.

It’s important for you to have fun and do what feels good. 

Businesses having fun with themselves and their customers are often way more powerful than whatever new algorithm change everyone is talking about.

So have fun. Use your joy as inspiration and guidance.


The Only Failure is Not Trying

Like most things in business, if you want to succeed in your marketing strategy, you need to decide that failure is not an option.

...Because in truth, failure doesn’t exist.

When your marketing strategies start to fail you, when the numbers start a steady (or alarmingly fast) decline, that’s just more data for you to learn from going forward.

Only by seeing what doesn’t work with your business will you be able to see what truly does.

Also, it’s important to remind yourself that even though you should be enjoying your business and following your intuition: Don’t make this your excuse to procrastinate. This is not a passive process!

On the contrary, connecting to your gut instincts can be an intense process, especially at first. You should be actively working at developing your intuition through meditations, divination tools like tarot and astrology, journaling, or whatever else you need to do.

Your Business As Your Soul’s Evolution

We truly believe that business and entrepreneurship are some of the biggest catalysts for soul evolution. And we believe that intuitive marketing is part of that process.

While the phrase “intuitive marketing” might make it seem as though we’re asking you to just sit back and see what happens… it’s actual work that takes time and practice.

Intuitive marketing requires you to get to know yourself in a deep, powerful way. It requires you to truly love and trust yourself — even the ugly, complicated, fucked up bits. It requires deciding who you want to become and choosing to act from that place over and over (and over) again. 

But seriously… there is no better work than getting to deeply know your business on a soul level.

It’s what we’re here to do. Our hats are off to everyone who’s jumped in the deep end with us!


Ready to work with a marketing team that “gets it?”

We’re not your standard marketing agency that spouts all the latest “bro” marketing tips. We’re never going to hand you 100 complicated marketing tools and then leave you in the dust to figure out what it means for you and your business.

We’re a team of weird, spiritual, magical womxn who believe that your business can change the world.

And we trust your intuition.

Find out how we can help you hit your big goals and achieve your greatest, most beautiful mission in the world.

Click here to schedule a free discovery call.


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