Business Objections And How To Overcome Them

No matter how good what you sell is, people are going to have objections. And that’s ok! And if they tell you about them EVEN BETTER because you can address them head-on.

When you have sold a product or service for a while then you probably know what objections your ideal customer has.

It may be that you’re too expensive

or they don’t know if it will work for them

or they’re really busy and they don’t know if they’ll have the time...

Addressing Objections in Your Business

The thing that you should know as an entrepreneur or business owner is how to address this when it comes up. Obviously, all things don’t work for all people. That’s why we identify and know intimately who we are serving in our business (check out our FREE TEMPLATE: 30 Email and Social Media Post Prompts).

We don’t want to be selling an Eskimo a fan.

But when we know that the person coming to you is someone you can serve, then addressing their objections is so key!

Objections can be overcome, and a lot of the time people WANT you to overcome them - why else would they be at your doorstep if not?? And most of the time it’s about EMPOWERING your customer in knowing that the transformation will happen. That they can do it.

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

I was working with a client on the relaunch of her very successful online course & we were building out her Facebook ad strategy & addressing objections. From surveying her audience after the last round of the course we knew that there were two objections that successful students had, even when they decided to sign up:

  1. Is this worth the money?

  2. I’m nervous to talk to my spouse about spending money on this.

First of all, survey your audience! (This is a topic for another day, but…) You need to talk to real people that buy from you (or that you want to buy from you) to learn their situation, their dreams, and their pains. You need to know how they talk and think. So so so important!


Because we knew the big objections that her previous students had before signing up for the course, we knew what to address.

We knew that this course had, on average, helped each student create an additional $40,000 in revenue (and in many cases MUCH more) and that over 50% of students had success using the techniques taught in the course (an unprecedented stat in terms of online course follow through).

Over 50% of last round’s students reported significant external results: We were able to address this big objection in both Facebook ads (with a 45x Return on Ad Spend) and email marketing to talk directly to the objection.

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

You are in control of Your Business

You are responsible for empowering your customers and clients with the information and inspiration to buy from you.

They are buying the “after” state that you are offering, whether that’s no longer being hungry, being a homeowner, or starting a business.

And don’t worry, I have specific questions that you can ask your current customers or prospects to dig into what objections may be...


  1. What are your short term goals? Long term goals?

  2. What do you need right now (in relation to what you’re selling)?

  3. What do you want right now (in relation to what you’re selling)?

  4. Would you rather cut costs, save money, or increase productivity?

  5. If you could change one thing about your (business, life, whatever relevant topic for what you’re selling), what would it be?

  6. Why wouldn’t you say yes to this?

So get out there and talk to real humans about this! (And not just your employees or family members - actual humans that you think are ideal customers)

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

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Stop building Half Built Bridges in your business...