Stop building Half Built Bridges in your business...


7,040 is how many marketing tools are available to us in 2019.

That’s 2000 more than 2017, and 5000 more than just 5 years ago!

With so many tools and resources available to us it is SO EASY to get overwhelmed by the options.

Have you ever gone into a grocery store for X and when you got to that section you stared at hundreds of options...

And when you finally made a decision about which one to buy (after googling all of the best looking options for their online reviews) you walked away DRAINED. From what should be a simple errand.


More options can be fun and exciting and NOVEL, but it can also be draining, overwhelming, and DISTRACTING.

And that’s the worst one.


the dirty alchemy digital marketing

In many cases if you chose one area of your business to focus your marketing efforts on and you decide on a few projects to really hit your goals in the next 90 days then you’re on it.

But this is what most often happens…

You do that... and then a couple weeks later you hear that Instagram Stories is getting this influencer 5,983 new leads a day and it’s the next big thing and if you don’t start doing it now then you are going to definitely be sorry.

So you start doing Instagram Stories, which means you need to learn HOW and learn “that important technique with the timing” and you need to optimize your actual Instagram page, and...

All the while you haven’t been taking action on your original 90 day plan with those 3 projects that will help you hit your goals.

Instead that’s become a half built bridge.

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

What’s a half built bridge?

Imagine you’re on a mountain and your goals is to get to the top of another mountain. 

Maybe that mountain has a pot of gold on it with rainbows coming out of it (or the promise of 100 new customers every month or something). You definitely want to get to that mountain. So you have to build a bridge.

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

The bridge is creating a plan and taking action on that plan continually until you get to your goal. Your pot of gold.

So you start building your bridge and... that Instagram Stories opportunity (distraction) comes into your field!

You leave your original bridge half built, and start on your Instagram Stories bridge...

But a few weeks into that you hear about Google AdWords being the answer to your paid ad problems and the absolute imperative thing for 2020. There’s buzz and excitement and so much promise!!

So you stop building your Instagram Stories bridge to start building a Google AdWords bridge.

And on and on.

Maybe next it’s __ and then __ ...

You look back and realize you have 10 half built bridges, all of which DO NOT get you to the other mountain, they just get you halfway over the ravine where you can continue to look longingly at your rainbow filled pot of gold, or tumble to your death.

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

So I ask you today to look at all your half built bridges, look at all of the shiny new distractions that you peruses over the last 11 months in 2019…

What if you had committed to a 90 day growth plan?

What if you had COMPLETED that plan fully and had the actual opportunity to review it and learn from it and make it better?

And then what if you did 3 more 90 day plans after that - a full year of non-distracted growth-centric action?

Your year would’ve ended up a lot different.

So today I invite you to step up and focus.

Yes, our brains will always look for novelty, and yes, the buzzy energy of starting a new project is incredibly motivating and definitely more exciting than the plan that you committed to that’s starting to get hard...

But if you can commit to 1 thing in 2020, heck if you can commit to this NOW, then your business is going to change forever.

No more half built bridges.

Make a plan and stick to it. Drop the mind drama and the distractions.

And if you need help creating your 90 day growth plan, let’s talk.

Learn about how The Dirty Marketing can help grow your business to the next level.

the dirty alchemy digital marketing

Business Objections And How To Overcome Them


Marketing should feel good AND do good.