Planetary Magick: Venus & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a special ritual to attract your perfect audience)

Check out the rest of our planetary magick blog series:

Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, The Moon, The Sun and Mercury.

Listen to the full podcast episode on planetary magick here.

venus & your business

In Planetary magick, each planet has its own unique energy based off the ancient archetypes that exist unconsciously in human brains. Each planet rules over certain areas of our lives.

Even if you’ve never heard of planetary magick before, you’re probably familiar with the idea that Venus symbolizes love, sex, and often the feminine.

Venus magick properties include relating to others, attracting new people and opportunities into your life, making your life richer and more beautiful.

She’s also the goddess of knowing exactly what you want. If you’re steeped in indecision or you’re trying to figure out the next best move in your business, Venus can help you.

Here’s what else Venus can support you in…

  • Magick pertaining to success in all your relationships — including romance, friendship, and even your clients and Instagram followers.

  • If you’re trying to grow your fanbase, Venus is excellent energy to work with because she can help you become more popular and make more people like you.

  • Attract the perfect people to your audience who want to buy everything you have to offer.

  • Finally stop being a workaholic! Venus lets things come to her, she uses her energy to attract what she wants instead of chasing after things.

Anything to do with art, including bringing more artistry, creativity, and beauty into your life, involves Venusian energy.

Read on to manifest a more loving, glamorous and pleasurable life!

Venus’s color is green

venus color is green

When you are working with Venus, surround yourself with the color green. 

This will help you tap into beautiful, flowy Venusian energy. Every time you see this color, you will be reminded of your goals.

You can do everything from painting your nails green to wearing green clothing and changing the background on your phone.

Use a green candle when you give offerings to Venus. You can also decorate your altar with a green altar cloth or green ornaments. 

Flowers in particular are very Venusian, so keeping a fresh bouquet on your altar is a great idea. Dried flower petals work too.

Venus’s Magical Correspondences

Venus Magickal Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with Venus. These can be colors, numbers, foods, or natural objects.

Number: 6

Color: Green

Day of the Week: Friday

Plants & herbs:  Roses, pink peonies, cherry blossom, orange blossom, damiana, all types of flowers

Incense & scents: Any fancy perfume, rose, sweetgrass, vanilla, violet, sandalwood, ylang-ylang

Crystals & Minerals: lodestone, rose quartz, jade, emerald, copper

Food & drink: Red wine, kava-kava tea, hot chocolate, damiana tea, chocolate, nuts, oysters, clams, lavish sweets (like these chocolates)

Using Venus Magick to Attract Your Perfect Audience & Make Clients Fall in Love with You

venus magick to attract audience

Want to land a guest spot on your favorite podcast?

Or maybe you want to make more connections in your industry with other influencers, coaches, or online business owners?

Venus is the goddess for you.

Venus energy is luxurious and laid-back. 

Everything she desires comes to her, whether it’s money, clients, sex, romance — whatever you want.

With Venusian magick, you can sit back and relax while the universe brings new collaborators, fans, clients, and opportunities to you.

If you want your audience to fall in love with you, invoke Venus before writing your next email or Instagram post.

Venus can also help you to create seductive offers that will act like a magnet to your ideal clients.

Tap into Venusian energy to build a cult following, turn the people on your email list into rabid fans and attract way more like-minded people to your work.

Grow your audience effortlessly -- that’s the Venusian way.

Offerings to Venus for Business Success

offerings to venus

Create an offer to Venus by first bringing objects and colors the correspond with Venus onto your altar.

Drape a green altar cloth where you will be giving your offerings. Velvet, satin, and silk are luxurious fabrics that especially resonate with Venus.

Then add your crystals, incense, and scents.

Include a candle. We prefer green as an offering to Venus, but you can also use white if you don’t have green. We like these green beeswax candles for how connected they are to nature.

Wear clothes that make you feel beautiful, sensual, sexy - like this dress. Bonus points if they’re green and remind you of something a goddess would wear.

Put flowers everywhere. On your altar, around the house, in your garden. Nourish them daily and take time to appreciate their beauty and elegance.

Place a plate of food and a beverage that Venus likes on your altar, like some red wine and chocolate.

Reflect deeply with gratitude on what Venus’s energy has already brought to your business.

Ritual for attracting your unicorn clients who sell out your offers the day they launch

ritual for attracting unicorn clients

In dating, it's always best to love yourself first.

So is true in business. Otherwise you end up shape-shifting and people-pleasing and lose track of your own unique gifts. This leads to jealousy and becoming prone to imitating.

To be attractive, you must first identify your attractiveness. What makes you magnetic?

Then you will amplify that and make offerings to Venus as she comes through you in this way.


Set up a Venus altar using the guidelines mentioned earlier.

On this altar, include a mirror as well as a small dish with a lodestone.

Each day you are going to tend this altar by “feeding” the lodestone, so you will also want a bottle of lodestone food (a.k.a., iron filings). If you desire, you may use cinnamon powder instead of lodestone food.

Your altar may also include a green candle, fresh flowers and a dish for food and drink offerings to Venus.

This altar is for Venus, and it's also for attracting the perfect people who buy everything you offer, so if you have any objects that represent your clients, what you do and how you do it, include those on the altar as well.

When you've set your altar, take a few moments to get clear on what makes you attractive.

Tap into how Venus flows through you and how your best friend might describe you. Be specific and lay it on thick.

What are those things you love about yourself? Don't hold back or limit yourself to who you are at work. What do you love about your looks, your body, how you move, your personality, your mind, how you communicate and show up for others? How do you have fun? What's sexy to you? What turns you on? What is beautiful to you? What are you passionate about?

If you have times when you can't tap into these parts of yourself, write these things down and include this description on your altar.

Example: I have a beautiful smile and unusual green eyes. Running at the ocean with my dogs makes me feel free. I laugh easily and enjoy wearing bright colors. I am strong. I listen well. I love shopping at farmers markets and making beautiful food. Eating out sushi is one of my favorite treats. I love to travel and swap stories with friends over wine. I love wearing satin nightgowns and reading vampire novels. I can't live without candles, chocolate and my fur throws. Cozy is my favorite vibe, but my vixen loves to dance salsa. I'm fierce at tennis, passionate about art and love helping women make lots of money because I believe that women will change the world, but only when they embrace and love themselves fully.

This is a mini anthem for you to remind you of how unique and frickin’ awesome you are.

It's okay if you don't write anything down, as long as you can tap into that self-love vibe and see yourself the way a best friend sees you.


The Ritual Practice

Ideally, time this for the Waxing Moon. Tend your altar every day between the New Moon and the Full Moon. 

That said, Venus is always available to support you. You can practice this any time you feel the need to soften and pump up your magnetism without overworking.

1. Activate your altar. Stand before it and clap your hands together. Rub them vigorously until heat builds. When hot, face your palms towards the altar and say:

Oh, Venus, most beautiful one, I open myself to you so you can flow through me.

2. Make offerings to Venus. Light the candle, burn incense, add food and drink, tend any flowers or plants as needed.

Say: I present to you these gifts of beauty and light this candle in your honor.

3. Feed your lodestone by sprinkling a bit of filings or cinnamon on it.

Say these words:

I'm calling on you to help me attract the perfect people who buy everything I offer. Help me to be evermore magnetic and the creatrix of irresistible offers. I open to seeing the world in your way and invite in a more loving, glamorous and pleasurable life.

4. Make eye contact with yourself in the mirror. Talk to yourself about what you love. You may want to use a dramatic or alluring voice.

I love my [say a list of the many things you love about yourself or read your description, looking up to make eye contact and feel this in your soul]. 

Help me to share these parts of myself fully so the perfect people find me and buy from me. In this way help me be of service to the world and spread more of your gifts. So mote it to be.

5. Kiss yourself in the mirror. Hug yourself. Put on lipstick or perfume. Perform some actions that connect you to Venus and say:

In this way, let us greet the world together. Thank you, Venus, for helping me see the beauty way as I move through my day.

6. You may now extinguish the candle.

Repeat this daily for two weeks, or as long as you are working deeply with Venus. You can adapt this to be a weekly ritual you perform on Fridays. You may also want to perform this ritual before writing content and creating new offers.


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