Effortlessly expanding into your Next Level Success does not require you to carry the weight of your business on your shoulders.
Meet the Soul of Your Business Guided Meditation
The fastest way to tap into the Full Destiny of your business’ future potential now & let go of the chronic struggle & *perpetual doing* of trying to make it work on your own (and finally feel supported)
I know you.
You’re a paradigm-shifting magical entrepreneur who creates amazing results for your clients.
You love your work & you know you’re changing lives.
But… you always seem to be one bad week away from burnout.
You’re starting to resent the clients you used to love because you don’t have enough time for yourself. (I mean, when was the last time you actually relaxed for more than an hour?? Let alone took a day off…)
You miss the early days of your biz, when nothing felt impossible… before you got bogged down checking your email 100 times a day & spending way too long answering DMs.
You crave more support – not just from your partner or your team, but from something bigger than yourself. A divine presence with the power & the vision to lovingly guide you through every tough decision.
You already know something is missing.
The weight of your business’ mission is heavy on your shoulders… but it doesn’t need to be.
Truth is, your business is a separate entity from you.
With its own wisdom. Its own vision. Its own SOUL.
When you ally with the soul of your business, suddenly the fog of overwhelm & indecision will disappear – and you’ll instead feel a depth of confidence, clarity & support you never thought was possible.
The Soul of Your Business Meditation
This meditation is a powerful transformative tool that will transform the way you think about your business, forever.
So many of my clients have found that the soul of their business has a much clearer vision for how it will impact the world than even they have.
It brought them to tears because they hadn’t even realized they were keeping themselves small until they met the soul of their business & began to commune with it.
You don’t ever need to feel unsupported in your business again.
Download the FREE Soul of Your Business Meditation today.
Effortlessly attracting your dream clients like a beacon (and never feeling confusion around your client avatar or messaging again)
No longer feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders – because you know you’re not in this alone
Easily building a team of magical people who are as invested in your mission as you are
Being empowered to set boundaries aligned with your personal values & the values of your business
When you connect with and start partnering with the soul of your business, this is just the start of what’s possible.

Here’s what people have said about it…
“This was so inspiring, thank you Sam!”
“During the Meditation with the Soul of My Business, my business appeared to say ‘you haven’t been playing with me’... so this week I’ve started to change that.”
“This has had a real impact on me. It's really bringing my energy back into a unified will. I'm finally going back to trusting my own intuition and impulses. It feels so good.”
“In the meditation we just did, I had this feeling of triumphant bliss. It was so easy. So I really want to remember the feeling of what is possible at the end of all of this, because it's already there. I feel that right now.”
“The spirit of my business was like, ‘You deserve the best people around you.’ I got a lot of clarity that it was time to let a team member go and it was okay to start the search for someone else. It’s okay to remove her from everything, air out the business, and let someone else in. I also got some clarity, some quick decision making, around whether I'm going to do evergreen or open-close cart.”
“The words my business had for me were ‘grounded, visionary artistic director.’ I feel it in my bones.”
"This was huge."
Right now, you're thinking like a human…
… but the truth is, your business is NOT just about you.
You are ushering in the mission of this magical entity.
When you fully trust the soul of your business & open yourself to receiving its ancient wisdom, your business will suddenly feel so much lighter, more joyful & more spacious.