Jupiter Planetary Magick for Online Business Owners (with correspondences & a ritual to build wealth)

jupiter planetary magick online business owners money success clients witchcraft rituals magical correspondences wealth prosperity abundance

Check out the rest of our planetary magic blog series:

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, The Moon, The Sun and Mercury.

Listen to our full episode on planetary magic here.


How Jupiter Magick Supports Business Owners

Jupiter energy embodies expansion, prosperity, and wisdom.

This planetary deity can help you…

  • expand your reach & audience

  • increase the flow of money to you

  • hone your messages to become more powerful and potent

  • create stability in your business

This is the planet of big Emperor energy!

Working with Jupiter will help you to grow and scale your business, because he rules money magic.

At the end of the day, even if your business is your soul’s calling and you deeply desire to use it to help people, making money is how you can continue to do what you love. The more money you have, the more people you can reach.

Add that to Jupiter’s ability to expand awareness and attention, and his energy is perfect if you want your audience to grow.

Looking to grow your audience before a big launch? Jupiter can support you!

This deity brings overflowing wisdom & success into all areas of your life — including your business. He is also the planet of good luck!

Jupiter loves laughter, fun, and community and can help you find more enjoyment in your business and attract like-minded people.

He is particularly helpful for long-term projects, such as growing your business or climbing in your career.

Planet Jupiter is known as a the Greater Benefic.

Sometimes called "Fortuna major," it is the planet of luck, prosperity & abundance.

jupiter planetary magick online business owners money success clients witchcraft rituals magical correspondences wealth prosperity abundance

Jupiter’s color is blue


How to use planet Jupiter’s color correspondences for rituals, ceremonies & witchcraft:

Surround yourself with blue!

When I paint my nails the color of the planetary deity I’m working with — blue polish would be great for Jupiter. I also wear clothing and jewelry that color (here's a classy dress and sapphire earrings that would work great for Jupiter magic).

I also make that planet’s color my phone background, and basically just surround myself with it, every time I look at that color I’m reminded of my goals. 

And eventually, I start to see my goals manifest.

jupiter planetary magick online business owners money success clients witchcraft rituals magical correspondences wealth prosperity abundance

How to Use Jupiter’s Magical Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with Jupiter. 

These can be colors, numbers, foods, natural objects… anything that resonates with the energy of this planetary deity.

Number: 4

Color: Blue

Day: Thursday

Plants: Oak, Chestnut, Balm of gilead, Hyssop, Licorice, Valerian, Queen Anne’s Lace, Carnation

Herbs: Nutmeg, Star Anise, Clove

Incense: White Sage, Nag Champa, Juniper Berries, Peppercorn

Crystals & Minerals: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Tourmaline, Sapphire, Turquoise, Blue Agate, Tin

Food & drink: Any expensive food and drink like fine whiskey and roasted meats, seeds of any kind (like these pepitas)

jupiter planetary magick online business owners money success clients witchcraft rituals magical correspondences wealth prosperity abundance

Planetary Magick Offerings to Jupiter for Business Success


Think of things your rich jovial grandpa would love, such as fine alcohol, coffee, or tea. 

Perhaps a charcuterie board and a tumbler of fine whiskey every Thursday. 

Jupiter also corresponds with fruit in general, so a plate of your favorite fruits would be a great addition.

Give your offerings in gratitude. The stronger your relationship is, the more you will see his resplendent gifts begin to appear in your life.

Jupiter is the planet of long-term, sustainable success (if you’re looking for fast cash, Mercury is a great planet to work with).

If you want to grow your business, increase your audience, or consistently hit your revenue goals, Jupiter is your new planetary BFF.

jupiter planetary magick online business owners money success clients witchcraft rituals magical correspondences wealth prosperity abundance

Ritual to Build Wealth:
Dream Seed Offering


When to perform this ritual

Magic can be done anytime (it’s always better to do it than not do it, so go with your energy).

For deep intention, perform this spell on a

Thursday during the Waxing Moon.

jupiter planetary magick online business owners money success clients witchcraft rituals magical correspondences wealth prosperity abundance

How to Perform the Jupiter Planetary Magick Ritual to Build Wealth

1. Make a Dream Seed

You will need:

  • a strip of paper

  • something to write with (blue or gold ink is ideal)

  • string to tie it closed (or rubber band, tape, etc. — preferably a color like blue or gold that correlates to Jupiter energy)

Tune into your desires around long-term money, and your audience and business growth.

Jupiter sees the big picture of patterns and flow over time. This ritual is more about the long game, like building wealth rather than fast cash.

When tuning in, pull back and look at the big, expansive picture beyond what’s going on in your life now. Jump ahead 20 or 50 years, maybe even to future generations (whether or not you have children).

Same with your audience and business. See it as a larger continuum of energy. Your audience and business may not need to be larger per se, but tune into how you want them to feel, the level of engagement and support, including what these will feed in your life and future in a greater way.

Condense these thoughts into a written dream that you write on a small strip of paper.


Money comes easily and I always have more than I need. I have more than $50k in savings, retirement for years, investments, and multiple streams of income. Work feels light & engaging. I have an amazing team that supports me and I love giving bonuses to. My house and car are paid off, as is college for my children. I’m able to travel easily and take ample time off. I feel generous and give thousands of dollars to help end hunger in my community. I support artists by buying from them and giving them grants. My audience adores my offerings, and my work seeds their growth and joyful, empowered living. I feel magnetic with amazing opportunities.

Fold & roll this paper up so it becomes a tiny scroll. Tie it closed with string.

This is your dream seed.

2. Gather some offerings for Jupiter,

including your dream seed.


  • acorns, pinecones, seeds of any sort

  • any berries, peppercorns

  • pinch of tobacco

  • incense

  • a crystal

  • Music

Check the list of magickal correspondences above for more ideas.

Carry these offerings to a large tree, preferably a cedar or oak.

With your Dream Seed cupped in your hands, stand and face the tree, taking in the energy. This tree has been here for many years and started from a tiny seed.

This tree also produces many seeds every year.

Feel that continuum of the tree’s life from whence it came and how it offers more of this life and spreads it.

Feel that abundance and generosity of this tree.

Lift your gaze up to the limbs and beyond them into space where Jupiter resides.

Say aloud:

Jupiter, I call on your benevolent energy and ability to make things grow and take root in ways that are bigger than I am.

I ask for your support in growing this seed as I’ve envisioned or something better. 

Help me to see the next steps and opportunities when they arise. Help me become the person who can handle this growth and enjoy this abundance.

I open to receiving your support and guidance.

Now dig a little hole and plant your seed.

In thanks, I offer you this fine drink [sprinkle some liquid over where your seed is planted] and these other offerings [place them near your seed, light the incense]. May they become what you most desire and most satisfy you.

Thank you for all you’ve bestowed on me, including these dreams.

Sit with this energy for a moment, feeling this seed planted in your soul. Leave the Dream Seed where it is in the ground.

If appropriate, you can leave the offerings. If not, you can say:

Jupiter, may you take all you need from these offerings to you. Thank you. I am removing them now.

If you want to continue to honor this connection with Jupiter, you can create an altar where every Thursday you burn incense and make offerings that befit this generous, benevolent, wise, divine presence


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