Planetary Magick: The Moon & Your Business (with magical correspondances & a special Ritual to help you tune into your intuition for ease in business)

Check out the rest of our planetary magick blog series:

Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, The Sun and Mercury.

Listen to our full episode on planetary magick here.


The Moon holds the energy of the unconscious and emotions.

It’s perfect for magick that increases psychic intuition, receptivity, and feminine energy.

The Moon also rules the soul. So if you’ve been trying to bring your business into greater alignment with your soul, this is the perfect deity to work with.

Your business is a playground for your soul’s evolution.

Aka, your soul purpose is a HUGE part of what brought you to where you are today! Likewise, feeling connected to your soul can inspire you and make you fall more in love with your work every day. And the Moon can help you hone that connection.

Working with the moon can help you create a better home/life harmony if you’re struggling to find time to do everything you need to do and still show up fully in your family or relationships.


The Moon’s color is white

Offer the moon things like eucalyptus, amethyst, quartz, salt water, any kind of milk, edible flowers, and seafood. Because the moon controls the tides, she is very connected with all things from the sea.

When you are working with the Moon, surround yourself with the color white. This will help you tap into the Moon’s energy. Every time you see this color, you will be reminded of your goals.

You can do everything from painting your nails white to wearing white clothing and changing the background on your phone.

Use a white candle when you give offerings to the Moon.


The Moon’s Magical Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with the Moon. These can be colors, numbers, foods, or natural objects.

Number: 2

Color: White

Day of the Week: Monday 

Plants & herbs: anise, white flowers (lily, moonflower, magnolia, peony, etc.), mushrooms, willow

Incense & scents: clary sage, mugwort, geranium, eucalyptus

Crystals & Minerals: amethyst, mother of pearl, moonstone, pearl, quartz, sea salt

Food & drink: milk (any kind), mugwort or anise tea, round cookies and cakes, edible flowers, shellfish or sea weed


Offerings to the Moon for Business Success

The Moon is all about grounding feminine energy. 

In business, that looks like leaning into the flow, taking time to rest, following your intuition, and improving your psychic abilities.

If you’re seeking being more in flow in your work, the Moon can help you.

Because of her connection to the unconscious, this is the perfect planet to work with while you are using shadow work to move the needle forward in your business.

Another reason you might want to work with the Moon is to shift away from sudden reactions. It’s so easy to react suddenly and strongly in the digital age, with strangers online saying things that are either purposefully or accidentally hurtful.

Working with the Moon can help you to take your time to think and respond.

This can be especially helpful if you find that your nervous system is often activated in fight or flight mode, or you’re otherwise dealing with trauma responses that get in the way of you having the business of your dreams and being a visionary CEO.

As a business owner, this can help you center on the idea that sometimes it’s not all about calling the shots. Sometimes it’s about listening and reflecting before you make a decision or say the wrong thing.

Additionally, if you’re trying to improve your work-life harmony, working with the Moon can help you build up both your business and your home life.


Beverage Offering for the Moon: Sambuca Twist Cocktail

Sambuca is an Italian liqueur made from anise… which just happens to be a plant that the Moon LOVES!

Here’s a cocktail recipe that corresponds with the Moon’s energy AND tastes delicious.

What You’ll Need:



  1. Fill ⅓ of a cocktail shaker with ice.

  2. Add the lime juice and Sambuca.

  3. Shake and strain into a martini glass.

  4. Garnish with raspberries or fresh basil, if you want.

  5. Enjoy!

A Ritual to Help You Tune Into Your Intuition for Ease in Business

Here's a simple ritual that's both practical and magical.

It will help you clear blocks on your physical plane so you can tune in more to your own intuition.

Moon energy can help you tap into your primal, wild self. The energetic soul who hasn't been domesticated and likes to buck the rules.

This ritual could be a beautiful journaling exercise, but let's bring that primal one forward.

1. Tear a few sheets of paper into pieces or strips that you can jot a few words on.

You want a pile of 50 or more.

2. Set up 4 cups in a diamond pattern with a space in the center. 

Each cup represents a phase of the Moon and its energetic.

3. For each phase, read the prompts below.

Do the phases one by one. 

4. As you read the prompts, jot down any word, idea or phrase that comes to you on a scrap of paper and put it in the corresponding cup.

5. Be quick.

Set a timer for two minutes for each phase if you need structure. 

Let the primal one speak as an oracle. This may be single words, names, places or things that don’t make sense in the moment.

There's no right or wrong.

Tap into the primal one who might be tired of email, shuttling kids around our cleaning house.

Listen to the one who's tired of routine and wants to dance, travel and let go of obligations.

You do not have to answer all of the prompts. Let them stir what's below the surface and wants to come out.

6. Start with the Full Moon at the top; the Waning Moon is on the right.

The New Moon is at the bottom, and the Waxing Moon is on the left.

7. The final prompts are for your soul and get placed in the center, between the cups.

Prompts - play around with these and find the questions that feel best for you!

Full Moon (top cup)

  • What are you doing too much of?

  • Where are you over-full?

  • What do you wish you could delegate?

  • What's something you groan about every time it comes up?

  • What are you avoiding finishing?

  • What are you holding on to that you would rather release?

Waning Moon (cup on the right)

  • Where are you looking to others for answers, input, guidance, or advice?

  • What draining thing, person or activity do you wish you could let go of?

  • Where is your energy and interest waning?

  • What do you feel like you have to do but don't want to?

  • What would you stop doing or pursuing if you could?

New Moon (bottom cup)

  • What do you want more time and space for?

  • Where does your creativity want to flow?

  • What do you wish you were working on?

  • What's a dream or desire you secretly want to come true?

  • What's something you want to do but doesn't “make sense”?

  • Who or what depletes your energy?

Waxing Moon (cup on the left)

  • What's almost done that needs your energy?

  • What's almost done that someone else could do?

  • What do you wish was done so you could stop thinking about it?

  • Who could support you in getting done what you want to finish?

  • How could I be of service?

  • Where or what am I holding back?

  • What needs to be completed?

  • What’s unfinished and keeps nagging you?

  • What am I afraid to release because it’s not perfect?

  • What are you hiding and not sharing?


  • What feels beautifully balanced and harmonized in your life?

  • Who or what nourishes your soul?

  • What are you curious about?

  • What's calling to you?

  • What builds your energy?

  • Where do you feel most relaxed?

  • What does your muse love & wish she had more of?

8. If there's anything else that wants to be said or feels overlooked, write it down and add it to whichever cup feels right.

9. Take a deep breath to come back to this moment.

Look around. Notice the cups and their levels of fullness. Feel any sensations that come up around that and  this exercise.

10. Without removing the papers, fill the top Full Moon cup with water.

Hold the papers down if they are trying to float. 

Offer a prayer:

Water, help me release that which is ready to be released, whether through celebration or surrender. Help me lighten my load and return to flow.

11. Now fill the Waning Moon cup on the right with water and offer this prayer:

Water, help me release those inputs that drain me so I'm willing to open to my own wisdom. Help me trust what comes through me and release obligation.

12. Fill the New Moon cup next. Offer this prayer:

Water, help me remember that ebbing renews my energy. It washes away that which doesn't serve and creates fertile ground for what my soul longs for. Give me the patience to cultivate spaciousness and curiosity so I may dwell in mystery away from goals.

13. Fill the Waxing Moon cup on the left and say:

Water, help me be the vessel that overflows and gives generously and easily. Give me the sight to take action that keeps my movements purposeful. Give me courage to launch, release and allow all communications, teachings and feelings to move through me freely.

14. Gather up the pieces from the Center. Hold them in your hands over your third eye and say:

Dear Moon, help me be the High Priestess who sees and feels both what needs to be done in the physical realm to feed the spiritual realm as well as what needs to be done spiritually to support actions on the physical plane. Help me to pause and reflect. Allow me to be the vessel for my soul's purpose and to connect with others on a soul level. So mote it be.

15. Gather up all the papers from the cups and center.

Fully release them and your primal one by saying Thank you. Throw the papers away (or bury them outside if that's an option for you).

16. Say Thank you to the water as you pour it down the drain or onto the earth over your buried papers.

17. Connect with water in a way that nourishes your physical body.

Take a bath or shower. Drink a big glass of water or herbal tea. 

Carry forth any clarity or insight that came to you and trust the actions you want to take. This may be a mixture of delegating tasks, unsubscribing from emails and hiring a housecleaner. It may lead to conversations about dreams. Pay attention to synchronicities. Listen to nudges from your intuition about how things might shift, new things you want to try, or people you want to connect with. Ask questions and stay curious. Trust in the experimenting and the flow. Let go of linear stop – start energy and cultivate more fluidity.


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