Creating Safety & Orgasmic Radiance (for a better business) with Sexual Empowerment Coach Ann Nguyen

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Ann is a Vietnamese American Women’s Sexual Empowerment coach whose work centers on pleasure as a liberatory practice & fuel for personal empowerment. She teaches women how to love their bodies, see sexuality as sacred, and channel orgasmic pleasure into better relationships, career, leadership and self love. 

Through her coaching and online programs, she reconnects women to the power of their sexuality and facilitates deep transformation for sexual reclamation. Most of all, she’s here to make our modern day sexual revolution fun & accessible to all.





“Sex can help you grow as a self-love practice, as something that is sacred.” - Ann Nguyen

What does it mean to be part of the modern-day sexual revolution? (1:50)


The modern-day sexual revolution is a creative practice that is completely redefining our relationships to sex, sexuality, self-pleasure, our bodies, and being alive. This revolution aims to put the power in our own hands, so you can decide for yourself what it means for you to be a sexual person. It means putting what’s important to us front and center - including our spirituality - and using that to change the world. So we can be more free, joyous, and pleasure-filled.


“Our sexuality goes through the 4 seasons. Peaks and valleys, winters and summers.” - Ann Nguyen



How to witch wound shows up in both our sex lives & our businesses. (19:05)

Sex exists at the intersection of empowerment and self-hood. Many of the wounds that hold us back in business — especially around being seen and rejected — come from the same wound as our sexual oppression, because sex is a potent underpinning of magical power. 

How you show up in the bedroom is how you show up in every part of your life. With sex, you’re working with some of the highest & most powerful energies that are accessible to you within your body. 


"Sex is a potent alchemical process." - Ann Nguyen


A practice to help people feel safer & more empowered in reaching their goals. (26:00)


Center yourself in your body. Can you sense the part of you that knows safety? What does that feel like in your body?

Imagine a time when you felt really, truly safe. If that’s hard to remember, then imagine a scenario where you would feel really safe.

Then turn the volume up on that memory or vision. Allow your nervous system to access this feeling of safety.

While you're envisioning this, begin to think about what you want to experience in life. This can mean sexually thriving, moving into the next level of your business - whatever you want. Activitely imagine that scenario while feeling the somatic safety. That will start to wire those things - your future goals & the feeling of safety - together in your nervous system.


“Coaching is one of the deepest personal development portals you can put yourself in.” - Ann Nguyen

What it means to have a pussy-led business. (30:30)


For Ann, pussy is an archetype. It isn’t connected to anatomy, it’s energetic. This stems from the Doaist tradition that you don’t need to have the organ to really identify with it. Everyone can work with the energy of pussy. 

Pussy is the portal into life. Being connected to pussy means being connected to the part of you that is pleasure-filled. Just like you might ask what your heart and gut is telling you, pussy is another wise part of us that we can listen to. Ann talks to her pussy, asks yes or no questions, and sees her as part of her team.


“To be deeply in touch with your sexuality is to embody the archetype of the witch, the wild woman, the priestess.” - Ann Nguyen


Where to find Ann:


3 Ways Your Nervous System Impacts Your Business (and what to do about it)


Planetary Magick: Mercury & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a special Ritual for business success)