How to Grow Your Business with Planetary Magic
Podcast, Scale Your Business, Spiritual Business September 17, 2020
Planetary Magic.
If you don’t know what that is, planetary magic is working with the planets to assist in our desired outcomes & desired realities here on earth.
Since ancient times, humans have worshiped the visible planets as deities, as gods and goddesses. You can imagine a time where there was no artificial lighting and the night sky was full of stars. Us as humans had a very real, and very meaningful relationship with the sky.
On this episode, Sam breaks down planetary magic, what it is, and how to do it. She'll show you how to form relationships with the planetary deities to grow your business and improve your life.
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The stars move for the most part, together as one. But the planets, as you look in the sky, moved seemingly on their own volition. They had a mind of their own, a spirit of their own.
Shamanic practices would allow these ancient societies to commune with the energies of the planet. To know their essence. Their nature. Their desires.
And they would use these very large energies to empower what they wanted in their lives. To find more love, to build wealth, to expand psychic abilities, to protect their family.
This is very much a part of our human ancestry. Our evolution. We may have lost touch with our disconnection with the natural world & our disconnect from the night sky. But it is something immediately accessible (and something I’ve loved using myself). SO I’m so happy to be talking about this with you today.
In Planetary magic, each planet has its own unique energy. It’s based off of the idea that each planet rules over certain areas of our lives. Even if you’ve never heard of planetary magic before, you’re probably familiar with the idea that Venus symbolizes love & sex & often the feminine.
You can work with any of the nine planets (and yes, we’re including Pluto as a planet, because it’s part of our solar system). But the inner 7 planets are in general the most applicable to work with in our business because they govern our physical reality.
Plus they are what we can see with our naked eye in the night sky so we as humans have a longer tradition with working with them.
The first seven planets used in planetary magic are the sun, moon (yes, the moon), Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Any of the planets past Saturn are not visible to the human eye, so humans didn’t know about the other planets until after the invention of the telescope.
We recognize Magic through synchronicities. So when you’re invoking a planetary deity, you’re inviting those synchronicities into your life. You’re manipulating your vibration to reflect the energy of the planet you want to emulate. So you’re moving into that planet’s sphere of influence.
Maybe You’re thinking, “I want to improve my financial situation. Jupiter is the planetary deity most associated with money and expansion. So I’m going to talk to Jupiter and give him offerings and gratitude, I’m basically going to wave a big flag in his direction and get him to notice me. And when he does start to notice me, energetically, I’m going to make a lot more money.”
This is a little cheekier than what you’re actually practicing. You’re actually starting a RELATIONSHIP with Jupiter. Inviting his favor. As we talked about in episode 8, you’re a lot more likely to get $20 from your best friend when you ask them versus randomly asking a stranger on the street...
Maybe it sounds simple broken down like that… but that’s actually how it works. As long as you have the habits in place, working with the planetary deities can help you expand different parts of your life in whatever ways you can dream of. It’s something I’ve seen work for myself, but I’ve also seen lots of other people improve their lives in this way.
That’s why I suggest it to business owners looking for magical practices to grow their business. Because when you feel like you’re treading water (and I’m sure we’ve all felt this way)... it’s often because you need a bit of an energetic push in the direction you want to go in. The planets can give you that energetic push.
As I mentioned - Each planet rules something different, and we’re going to get into which planet rules what soon. But right now, I want to make the point that it’s easy to want to work with allllll of them at once. When you first discover planetary magic you might feel like you have so many different areas of your life or your business that need help (money, confidence, writing, business savvy) that you want to just go ahead and work with all the planets.
But that actually isn’t the most effective way to get started with this. Because you don’t want 7 half-hearted relationships that aren’t really going to make a notable impact in your life. You want to start with making one really strong relationship that can completely transform you. If you focus on multiple planets, you’ll just end up spreading your energy too thin and not making much headway with any of them.
It’s like having one best friend you tell everything to, someone you would trust with the world, versus having 7 friends you kind of know but don’t really spend much time with. That one relationship is going to fulfill you so much more.
Plus, let’s be real. Doing legit weekly rituals with 7 different planets is a lot less likely to happen than starting with one, proving to yourself that it makes a difference. You’re likely to continue that relationship in the long term instead of getting overwhelmed and dropping off after a few weeks.
So start with one planet and build a working relationship. Start with whichever can help you with your most pressing need (we’ll discuss in a few minutes how you can determine that). And build a really energetically powerful relationship with that planet.
The more energy you channel into the planet of your choice, the more it will return the favor and help you, even in areas that aren’t technically its area of expertise. So even if writing and communication belongs to the realm of Mercury, if you have a close relationship with the moon, you’ll discover that the moon can help you with that too.
I’ve found that this is a really incredible lesson in focus. In prioritizing. To look at your life or our business and say, these 12 things need to change, but which is the most important right now?
So let’s talk about deciding which planet you want to work with.
I recommend using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for this. for those who don't know, Maslow's Hierarchy is a pyramid that has basic needs on the bottom like food, health, rest... and then gradually increases to the top of the pyramid, which is self-actualization. You can find out more about it here. The pyramid might look a bit different when you’re talking about a business rather than a person, but the principles are the same.
The very bottom of the pyramid is your physical health. It’s the foundation. It impacts all of the rest.
EVEN IF you are just scraping by financially, I do recommend starting with your health if you are having health issues. It’s going to be so tempting to go to focusing on money, but your health effects your energy levels, you being able to show up in the world, and you gotta get that shit figured out first. It will help you financially, okay?
So if the most pressing need in your business is that you lack the confidence to pitch your sale one-to-one, that should trump someone who wants to scale their multiple 6-figure business. If your issue is that you’re consistently working 10-hour days and never getting any rest, that has to be addressed before you try to start bringing more creativity into your business (because I say this all the time, but your best ideas are just not going to come when you’re in a constant state of exhaustion).
So be honest with yourself about where you need help, and the planet you want to work with will likely reveal itself to you.
If you’re healthy, just start taking steps up the hierarchy of needs until you have clarity. That’s my 2-cents… take it or leave it ;)
Another way of identifying what planet to start with is your astrology. If you’re familiar with your chart, you can identify where you have very strong placements & decide what planet could have the most impact on your life.
So how exactly do we do planetary magic?
After you’ve decided which planet you’re going to work with, there’s a pretty easy process to get started. And then, like with any magic, you can make it your own. Work it into the rituals you already do, and make new rituals to honor the deity you’ve chosen. The results are all about how much time and energy you put into it.
So, in order to create a space where you can comfortably develop this relationship, you want to build an altar where you can put different magical objects that resonate with your planet.
And don’t worry, in a little bit I’m going to walk you through which materials resonate with each planet, and I’ll list them in the show notes. So for now just listen and absorb the process.
Once you gather the materials you need, use them to set up your altar. This should be an area of your house that you reserve for worshipping your planetary deity. It can be as big or as little as you have room for, but this is really your sacred space. So put down a cloth and then set up your objects, herbs, crystals, and whatever else you associate with your planet, with your goals. Whatever else you want to give to your deity.
You can spend as much or as little as you want setting up your altar. This doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. Your deity isn’t going to ignore your offerings just because you’re broke and doing the best you can.
But if you have the money, it’s a good idea to invest in things you find beautiful & meaningful. Consider any money you do spend to be part of your offering.