Planetary Magick: Mars & Your Business (with magical correspondences, a special recipe & a ritual for focused action on a big project)

Check out the rest of our planetary magick blog series:

Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, The Moon, The Sun and Mercury.

Listen to our full episode on planetary magick here.


How to work with Mars using Planetary Magick for Business Success

Mars is the planet for determination, ambition, passion & energy. For lighting a fire under your ass and going after what you want.

Working with Mars is great for developing your own animal magnetism & making people lust after your business.

Likewise, Mars is the energy of victory and assertiveness. In business, this can help you on sales calls or during launches. If you need support in believing in your offer and selling, Mars is a great planet to work with!

Ask Mars to help you with things like finding motivation, especially if you’re facing a period of sluggishness or procrastination in your work.

Dragging your feet while hiring a new team member? Hesitating to create the action plan that you know would propel your business forward? Have a long list of things you know would help fix your relationship with money but you’re too scared to dive in and finally make them happen?

If you’re stuck in place — you know where you want to be but you just can’t seem to get there — this is the deity you want to work with.


Mars’ color is red

When you want to work with Mars for victory, competition, assertiveness, surround yourself with the color red. This will help you tap into Mars’ energy.

Put it on your phone background, paint your fingernails red, and wear red clothes that make you feel powerful and in charge.

Decorate your altar with a red altar cloth and plants and stones that correspond with Mars’ energy.

Use a red candle when you give offerings to Mars.


The Moon’s Magical Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with Mars. These can be colors, numbers, foods, or natural objects.

Number: 9

Color: Red

Day of the Week: Tuesday

Plants & herbs: ​​Aloe, garlic, cayenne, nettle, mustard, wormwood, hellebore, ginger, hyacinth, carnation, ginseng

Incense & scents: Myrrh, dragonsblood, tobacco, black peppercorns, cinnamon, red pepper, patchouli, musk, rosewood, juniper

Crystals & Minerals: garnet, flint, red aventurine, ruby

Food & drink: Anything sexy and spicy! For example, mangoes and chili powder or spicy hot chocolate


Offerings to Mars for Business Success

Mars is all about motivation, determination, and victory.

In business, this looks like not being afraid to go after what you want — and getting it!

Mars can help you to build up momentum in your business and crush the obstacles holding you back from making the progress you want.

Another reason you might want to work with Mars is if you struggle to feel the self-confidence and determination you need to make sales.

If you’re showing up with less than your best on sales calls, or nervous about selling on social media or in your emails...

… Mars can give you the confidence you need to close sales.


Food offering to Mars: Spicy Hot Chocolate

Heat the milk in a saucepan over medium-low heat until almost boiling. Then add the bittersweet chocolate. Mix the milk and chocolate together until the chocolate fully melts. Take it off heat and stir in the chili powder and sugar. 

Pour into two mugs: one for yourself and one for your altar to Mars. After you conduct your ritual to Mars, enjoy the beverage together!


Ritual for focused action on a big business project

Mars’ strength is the ability to pull back and assess the larger situation and then zoom in to achieve focused action for the next best step.

He is known for doing this with war, where he can assess the overall war and then organize and lead specific battles.

In this way, working with Mars can help you wage war and fight the battle against resistance. (Steven Pressfield's book The War of Art: Break through the Blocks and Win Your Creative Inner Battles gives more perspective on this.)

The fires of passion motivate Mars. This simple ritual will help you stoke your inner fires.

Perform this daily if you're working deeply with Mars for a specific project, and any time you are working on your project. If your motivation wanes or you're struggling with transitioning between big picture strategy and focused action, perform this ritual to call on Mars.

Breath of Fire

1. If you've created an altar to Mars, kneel before your altar. You can also kneel before your desk or any space that's connected to your project. Close your eyes.

2. Clasp your hands together with your index fingers pointing up. Hold them at your womb creation center.

3. Take a deep breath in and raise your hands up until they meet your third eye. Exhale forcefully as you point your arms and fingers out and away from you, expelling thoughts.

4. As you inhale, draw your arms and fingers in towards your womb creation center, calling in your fire.

5. Stoke your fire upwards as you inhale and raise your hands up to your third eye again.

Repeat this circular motion and breathing for a couple of minutes. The point is to build heat and clear sluggishness. With each round, breathe more deeply and forcefully. Pick up the pace until it feels almost trance-like.

6. When you've reached a crescendo of both heat and speed, stop and sit in stillness with your fingers pointing up at your womb creation center. Feel your breath and let it naturally settle into its own rhythm. Tune into your internal fire and all the sensations in your body.

7. Speak aloud your desires to Mars.


Mars, I call on your great wisdom and skill to take both strategic planning and focused action to move forward swiftly towards a desired outcome. 

I ask for your support in moving forward my [book proposal and writing… insert your specific project] in this way. 

My desired outcome is to [bring lightness to thousands of women who feel creatively shut down by writing a New York Times bestseller… insert your specific desire]. 

I ask for your ongoing support in the journey to making this dream a reality and keeping my fires of passion and motivation stoked along the way. 

Please guide me as to the next best steps and help me stay focused on the big picture goal. 

Thank you. So mote it be.

8. Release your hands, open your eyes and carry this fire out into the world. Take even one tiny action today.

9. Remember to honor and include Mars in any celebrations as you accomplish steps. You may say verbal Thanks and gratitude and/or give offerings. 


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