Why systems are actually the sexiest part of your business
Let’s face it, unless you’re a tech geek like me, you probably hear “systems” or “processes” and cringe. Maybe they make you upset, or put you in a freeze state, but after today’s episode that is alllll gonna change. Because really, systems are the sexiest part of your business.

Decolonizing Marketing & Business with Lettie Sullivan of Goddess Ministry
Lettie Sullivan, Priestess of the Sacred Arts and the Creatrix of the Goddess Ministry, joins Sam to discuss how you can decolonize your marketing, bring more compassion & understanding into your business, and connect more authentically to your audience.

Special Announcement & Celebrating 1 year of the Podcast!!
We’re celebrating the solar return of an extra-special magical entity this month…My podcast, Business as a Magical Practice, just turned one!! We flew right by the anniversary of when I started the podcast this past August, because we already had so many juicy episodes we wanted to share with you.

How to Build Authority & Create Rabid Fans with Matt Gordon
Matt Gordon is a cult kingmaker who helps entrepreneurs become leaders of their field with reputations that span centuries. This week, he joins Sam to discuss what it takes to be a visionary thought leader and how to create rabid fans.

Very Special Episode: Podcasts, Hiring & Hypnosis
This week, Sam dives into hypnosis, hiring new team members, and how you can know it's a good idea to start a podcast for your business.

Planetary Magick: Venus & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a special ritual to attract your perfect audience)
In Planetary magic, each planet has its own unique energy based off the ancient archetypes that exist unconsciously in human brains. Each planet rules over certain areas of our lives.

How to build a cult following with Simone Seol
Our most-loved guest is BACK! Simone Seol is here to talk about how she developed her own fullness and sovereignty as a business owner and coach and the key questions you can ask yourself to connect more wholly with your audience. Plus, she's sharing about what it really means to be vulnerable online, and why that just might be the key to business success.

6 ways to activate your CREATION FORCE with Elyna Anderson
Elyna specializes in growing businesses that operate from your individual nature. Today, she's walking you through the 6 creation forces she's identified from working with visionary female founders.

How to Use Your Business As a Playground for Your Soul's Evolution
In this epic presentation, Sam shares what “business as a magical practice” even means, why business is an excellent medium for spiritual growth, common blocks magical people have in building their businesses and how to overcome them.

Astrology & Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Jessica Lanyadoo
Internationally respected astrologer & psychic medium Jessica Lanyadoo joins the podcast to discuss being your own boss, how to make your spiritual practices work for you, and what it was like to be as astrologer & spiritual healer before it was cool.