Planetary Magick: Saturn & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a ritual to banish procrastination)

Check out the rest of our planetary magick blog series:

Jupiter, Venus, Mars, The Moon, The Sun and Mercury.

Listen to our full episode on planetary magick here.

How to work with Saturn using Planetary Magick for Business Success

Image of Saturn for planetary magick with dark blue sky

Saturn rules powerful energies that relate to business: order, reality, karma, mastery, and time.

It’s also the magick of death, so that means Saturn is the magick of transformation. 

If you’re in the process of transitioning away from a business idea that hasn’t been working, Saturn can help you to kill off the ideas that don’t serve you and clear the way for a new, better business.

Saturn rules mastery, so if you want to become a master of your field, this magick is potent.

Saturn can support you in feeling confident in your skills & doing what you need to do to master your craft — whether it’s reading more books on your area of expertise or investing in the right programs.

Likewise, you can invoke Saturn to bring more structure into your life & business. 

If you’ve been following our podcast for a while then you know I’ve been dipping my feet into Saturn magick for a while now as I work with mastering time.

(If not - check out my blog on playing with time here!)

Saturn is named after the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Kronos, ruler of time. I’ve found Saturnian magick to be useful in creating more time and spaciousness in my schedule.

If you feel like you never have enough time in your business, or you end long days of working not sure how you even spent your time, Saturn is a powerful force to support you in bringing your business under your control.

This planet is the ruler of laws and realness, so Saturn can bring order & organization to your business!


Saturn’s color is black

Want to use Saturn planetary magick to master time and structure in your business? Surround yourself with the color black.

Paint your nails & wear black clothing. Every time you see this color, you’ll be reminded of your goals.

Decorate your altar with a black altar cloth, light black candles, and collect plants and stones that correspond with Saturn’s energy.


Saturn’s Magical Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with Saturn. These can be colors, numbers, foods, or natural objects.

Number: 8

Color: Black

Day of the Week: Saturday

Plants & herbs: ​​mullein, nightshade, comfrey, belladonna, hemlock

Incense & scents: frankincense, spikenard, vetiver 

Crystals & Minerals: lead, onyx, jet, obsidian

Food & drink: fermented drinks such as alcohol, kefir, and kombucha, and fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi


Saturn Ritual:

When you choose to work with Saturn, you're acknowledging to yourself that you need to strengthen your boundaries and self-discipline from the inside out.

Saturn can be a stern teacher because he wants to keep you focused on the task at hand. With Saturn on your side, you can stop procrastinating (which drags out your projects and work schedule) to work effectively. 

Saturn isn’t interested in working more or longer hours — what he wants is to support you in becoming more productive during the time you do work.

Saturn can help you break down unhelpful beliefs & stories about doing things for inspiration or pleasure that actually drain you and sidetrack your goals.

Saturn thinks in black and white terms, so let's do a duality spell to both banish what doesn't serve and call in the supports you need.

Freezer spell to banish procrastination

First, get clear on which habits, patterns and slippery boundaries are no longer serving you.

How do you procrastinate? What do you do to put off doing work?

1. Choose up to three activities you'd like to change and write them on three strips of paper. Keep them simple and clear. Choose activities that keep you from tapping into your own genius and leadership.


  • Stop hitting snooze. 

  • Stop social media scrolling. 

  • Stop checking email before starting work.

2. Roll the slips of paper into little scrolls.

3. Cup the scrolls in your hands and say over them:

Saturn, I beseech thee and ask for your support and guidance in freeing myself from procrastination. Help me to stop these specific habits. Please strengthen my resolve. So mote it be.

4. Place each scroll into the compartment of an ice cube tray. You can also use paper cups or some other container.

5. Fill the compartments with water and submerge the scrolls.

6. Put them in the freezer until solid. Set a reminder on your phone to remove those specific ice cubes. Put them in a plastic bag and bury them deep in your freezer, never to be thought of again.


Charm bag for leadership & greater impact

Now tune into what you actually want to do instead of those procrastinating habits. What are they keeping you from doing? How do you want to show up? Who do you want to be? How do you want to make an impact?

Don't be tempted to overdo it and go into self criticism or fix-yourself mode. Tune into where you want focus, improved effectiveness, and impact in your work.

Boil it down to three clear items and write those on strips of paper and roll into scrolls.


  • Write content before doing work for anyone else. 

  • Focus all my content and offerings around self-love. 

  • Stop work by 4pm each work day.

To create a charm bag, you can buy a small black pouch or cut a 6 inch square of black fabric.

In this pouch, place one or two crystals. Smoky quartz helps focus. Black tourmaline strengthens resolve and boundaries.

Add a bit of myrrh resin and any other of Saturn's herbal correspondences.

Add your three scrolls.

You can also add anything to the charm bag that specifically relates to your desired outcomes.

Add a bit of your own DNA. A hair, drop of spit, etc.

When your bag feels complete, close it up. If using a square fabric, gather the corners and then wrap string tightly around the fabric above all the objects three times and knot it tightly.

Hold your charm bag and activate it by saying:

Saturn, I beseech thee and ask for your support and guidance so I step into greater levels of leadership and make a greater impact. Help me hold my boundaries so I do not overwork. I ask you to help me strengthen my self-determination, focus and effectiveness in my work. Help me create and maintain supportive structures so I may flourish and help others do the same. So mote it be.

Your charm bag has now been activated.

You can carry your charm bag, keep it on your desk, or add it to your altar. You can meditate with it and carry it in situations where you have a hard time holding boundaries.

This charm bag is a tool for you for as long as you need it. You can charge and activate it on Saturdays by anointing it with a drop of oil or a dab of spit to keep your connection strong and repeat your plea to Saturn.


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