Planetary Magick: The Sun (with magical offerings, correspondences & a special ritual for your business)


Check out the rest of our planetary magick blog series:

Jupiter, Venus, Mars, The Moon, Saturn, and Mercury.

Listen to our full episode on planetary magick here.

The sun aligns with the energy of consciousness, well-being, confidence. This is the planet that can help you with strengthening a positive sense of self and purpose in life. It’s also the ruler of vitality and health.

Because of that, it’s really popular to work with, because so much of ourselves, our desires, and our abilities come from our wellbeing and our sense of self. This would be the most important part of Maslow's Hierarchy: you need a solid sense of self to be able to build upon if you want to achieve higher levels of happiness and success.

Especially in business, confidence is key. Whether you’re making your first sale or your thousandth, you need to be highly confident in yourself and your business or no one is going to buy from you. Tapping into the Sun’s energy can also help you get in touch with your intuition to create a program that feels authentic to you and that your audience loves.

The sun helps you embody your role as a leader and entrepreneur. It can improve your ability to be true to yourself and know what direction you want your business to move in going forward.


Sun Correspondences

Correspondences are things that share a connection with the Sun. These can be colors, numbers, foods, natural objects… anything that resonates with the energy of this planetary deity.


Number: 6

Color: Yellow, Gold

Day: Sunday

Plants: Pine, Walnut, Witch hazel, Sunflower

Herbs: Sunflower, Chamomile, Yellow Roses, Marigold, Eyebright, St. John's Wort, Laurel

Incense: Amber, Cinnamon, Citrus fruits

Crystals & Minerals: Tiger’s eye, Citrine, Gold

Food & drink: Sun tea (that’s tea that’s been steeped in the sun’s heat), cider, orange juice, sunflower seeds


The Sun’s colors are gold and yellow


If you decide to work with the sun, you can wear these colors. Put them everywhere. 

How to use the Sun’s color correspondence:

Surround yourself with gold and yellow!

When I paint my nails the color of the planetary deity I’m working with (like this gold nail polish), and wear clothing and jewelry that color, and make it my phone background, and basically just surround myself with it, every time I look at that color I’m reminded of my goals. 

Eventually, I start to see my goals manifest.


Offerings to the Sun for Business Success


Offerings to the planetary deity you are working with should come authentically from who you are and how you desire to build the relationship.

Meditating on how you can best connect with the Sun is a brilliant way to understand your unique bond.

Of course, you’ll want to set up your altar space to coincide with the magick you’re doing. This can be as simple as gathering items that correspond with the Sun and placing them around your altar. You can also create a separate altar just for planetary magick if you wish.

To make your altar resonate with the Sun’s energy, use a gold or yellow altar cloth. Add the minerals and incense that correspond with the Sun. You might also find occult or planetary magick books that you want to add to your altar to reference.

Every Sunday, light an incense that corresponds with the Sun’s energy, such as orange or amber, as a gratitude offering.

Wondering how you can bring more soul & self into your next launch? Check out this article: Why You Need A Soul-Based Launch Instead of An Ego-Based Launch


Sun Tea Recipe:

Sun tea is a delicious way to align with the Sun’s energy. And it’s easy to make!


  • 6 tea bags or 4 tablespoons dried tea*

  • 1 orange, thinly sliced

  • 1 pinch cinnamon

  • 2 quarts of water

  • A glass container with a lid

Put the ingredients in a clean 2-quart glass container. Fill with water and close the lid.

Place the tea outside in direct sunlight for about 3 to 5 hours. If you need to, move the container to keep it in the sun.

After the tea has steeped, remove it from the sun and strain the tea and orange slices. Drink it right away or put it in the refrigerator to drink later.

*note: you can use any kind of tea for this. Black tea works best, or use a tea flavored with plants and herbs that correspond with the Sun for an extra sprinkle of magick. 

This recipe is a perfect tool to help you step into the role of Visionary CEO so you can take your business to its next level.

P.S. Incorporate this recipe into your morning routine to connect with the Sun’s energy so you can carry it with you through the rest of your day!


Ritual for Increased Visibility

So much of our culture deems visibility as what's seen on the surface, but true confidence and authenticity shines from the inside out.


Here’s a ritual to help you tap into that magnetic energy…

This spell is perfect for anyone, whether you are a beginner witch or an advanced planetary magick practitioner

Stand in front of a mirror with your eyes closed.

Place your left hand on your lower abdomen (creative center) and your right hand on your heart center.

Imagine a circular light flowing through your arms and around from your heart down to your creative center and circling back up again.

Keep that energy circulating and flowing as you bring to mind various traits and accomplishments you know to be true about yourself. Release any pressure about what they need to be. Let it be stream-of-consciousness and embrace all parts of your life and sense of self.

With these thoughts and the circulating light, let heat start to build in your body. Pick up the pace of your breathing and keep the energy circulating around. If the words start to go away, that is fine. Focus on building heat and light from the inside out.

When you feel heat and light and the rhythm coming to a crescendo, open your eyes and make eye contact with yourself in the mirror.

Gather this heat together in your palms, prayer position at your heart and then open your palms to the mirror, shining the light and heat outwards.

Holding eye contact, say aloud to yourself: I see you. You belong here. You matter.

Repeat a few times as the light and heat spread out from you.

After you complete the ritual...

Carry this light that you cultivated inside yourself out into the world. Let it shine un-selfconsciously by complimenting others, picking up litter, yielding to a fellow driver. Look for opportunities to share little acts of kindness.

When you feel judgments, opinions or hesitation/inaction rising to the surface, call on your circle of light and internally repeat these words to yourself or another: I see you. You belong here. You matter.


When to perform this ritual

You can repeat this every morning as an activation ritual to start your day or before you do visibility work (sales calls, marketing, teaching, speaking). You can also perform weekly on Sundays as you make offerings or tend your altar to The Sun.

Note: To deepen your work of visibility, if you have an altar to The Sun, include a mirror on it so you see yourself. You can say the same words to The Sun and to yourself:

I see you. You belong here. You matter.


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