Why You Need A Soul-Based Launch Instead of An Ego-Based Launch

Today I wanted to talk about something that's been on my mind a lot recently, because here at Dirty Alchemy we’re gearing up to launch some big courses for our clients over the next few months…

… And we're also in the midst of launching our own program — the Alchemical Business Accelerator .

What I wanted to talk to you about today is the difference between an EGO LAUNCH and a SOUL LAUNCH.

In this episode, Sam explains the differences between a soul-based launch and ego-based launch, why you need a soul-based launch, and how to do it.






This isn't something I hear people talking about a lot… even in the spiritual, magical, and self-help space for online businesses.

Particularly on social media like Instagram, we hear so much from people talking about the big flashy things that come out of their lunches. Like six figure months or hundreds of new clients.

But what we don't hear about as much is the actual launch process itself.

And if you're just going by Instagram, you might sometimes be scratching your head wondering how some people seem to actually be thriving throughout their launches. They’re really tuned into their business, ecstatic about their customers, and just totally in their zone.

Before we dive in & for all those who don’t really know what I mean by a LAUNCH, check out Ep 4 of the podcast, The 8 Phases You Need for a Numinous Online Launch

— where we break down the basic energetics of an online launch, or just about any project in your business.

And the word NUMINOUS is in there because YES it is based on Nature’s cycles, the cycles of the moon. And it respects both the expansion & contraction sides of life and our human bodies.

For anyone who has launched in the past, you probably know that launches can be insanely stressful because they’re this time of huge transformation for you and for your business. And you’re focused actions are around selling, which is uncomfortable for lots of people.

But what most people don’t know — even people who have launched programs or memberships before — is that your launch is never going to look like another business’s.

It can’t. And it shouldn’t.

So if you ever catch yourself thinking, “I wish my launch could just be like [insert business you totally fangirl over here]…”

Stop that!

Your launch plan is as unique as your program is. As unique as you are. As unique as your customers are. 

soul based launch dirty alchemy digital marketing magical business growth scale

You really don’t want to fall into the trap of thinking there’s a “right” way to market or a “right” way to launch.

It does not serve you, your business, or the world to follow a path that doesn’t resonate with you just because it worked for someone else.

Instead, follow the flow of your program, the energy of your ideal customers, and your gut feelings!

As the CEO of your business, as a leader, and as a visionary… that’s your job.

So let’s talk about what this actually looks like and how it plays out in real time.

Basically, there are 2 kinds of launches —


Ego launches come from that desire to do what you’ve seen other people doing successfully. 

It’s the idea that we can use “proven formulas” to manufacture success.

Like, if I just build a funnel in this exact way, and put this exact amount of money into ads, I’ll be golden.

Or that all you have to do is make your audience feel a certain way to make them buy something. And most marketers telling you to do this are really telling you to focus on your customers pain points. Remind them about all the ways they’re sad or broken without you.

AKA, they're going to walk away feeling bad about themselves, and you were going to walk away feeling sleazy. 

You've probably seen this around. I know a lot of my clients initially come to me saying, “I don’t like/ I don’t trust/ I don’t enjoy marketing because it makes me feel sleazy.”

That’s ego-based marketing.

And it so doesn’t have to be that way.

If you look back at our interview with Amy Lorbati of Witch, Bitch, Whore in episode 17 — we talk a lot about the difference between bro marketing and heaux marketing.

 And in a way that's what we're talking about here, too. The idea that someone standing in front of a yacht with khakis on and a big bag of cash can tell you exactly what you need to do to speak to your audience.

Yeah… no.

What actually ends up happening when you follow these “proven formulas” is that you make your launches way more complicated than they need to be. Usually with fancy tech and gadgets and a bunch of other shit you don’t even really know how to use.

But you heard someone talk about it in a podcast so you think your launch has to be done this way.

And yes, a lot of bro marketing is based on the newest technology and always trying to innovate, innovate, innovate —

When at the end of the day, marketing is really just about one thing: 

The relationship between you and your audience.

And no amount of fancy tech elements are going to build that for you. You have to do it through your messaging, your online persona, your energy, your branding, etc. 

So with ego-based launching… you create a marketing plan -- maybe even one you copied from watching someone else’s launch -- and then you stick to it no matter what.

No matter what.

And if something comes up where your program isn't selling as well as you thought it would, or something isn't resonating with your audience… you just ride it out.

Because you’re following a proven formula!

It’s worked for other people, so it has to work for you, right? Maybe it just needs more time.

But then you aren’t at your goal toward the end of your lunch (or maybe not even close to your goal…), so you get deflated and give up.

You want to burn down your business.

You totally lose faith— not just in your business but also who you are. Your soul purpose. Your mission in the world.

These used to mean everything to you, but now you're wondering if you were wrong. Just because not enough people bought your offer. 

This is your brain in an ego launch!

Not only can it make you feel icky and lose sales and lose the trust of your audience… but it's also really easy to feel rejected and dejected when you follow the “proven formula” and you don't see the success that was promised to you.

But there is another way to launch. A way better way. 

A soul launch is when you tune into your audience and follow your gut and your inspiration about how to attract the right people & inspire them to sign up.

This goes back to what we were saying about building a relationship with your audience and your ideal clients. 

If you want to be able to intuitively tune into what they want… you have to know who they are. You have to have a real relationship with them, where you were totally enchanted by them and they are totally in love with you too.

And, for more on enchanting your audience, check out episode 6 of the podcast, How to Enchant Your Audience & Put Them Under Your Spell.

So, let’s talk about how to launch from your soul instead of your ego.

A soul launch is all about doing what really excites you. It's about following your gut and having your finger on the pulse of your business so that you know what's working and what isn't working with your audience. 

It’s about always asking yourself how you could better communicate to your people so that they understand how life-changing / transformational /amazing your program is.

And yes — it’s about BELIEVING IN YOUR OFFER!

Believing that it is exceptional & extraordinary & life changing & a no brainer!

I probably don't have to tell you this as a spiritual business owner -- but you have to believe that what you were putting on the table is what your audience needs.

You have to believe it's going to completely transform them and change their lives. 

You have to be able to pull up a person from your audience in your head & actually think “YES! They need to sign up! This is what they need!!”

If you're just doing something to make a quick buck (or hit your next income level) — which is something I see a lot in the ego-based marketing space… Well, you're going to realize pretty quickly that it's not working. If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, how can you expect anyone else to??

magical business online launch

Maybe you know your mission in life is to deeply touch *your people’s* lives with your business.

Now you have to commit to doing your part to get your offer out to the people who would benefit from it.

Give yourself over to a greater good where you are a tool to help others realize their true worth / become happier / spiritually ascend / connect with their desires or the cosmos or their destiny — whatever your program is, you are the channel to bring that powerful energy into the world!

One more thing that I want to add here is that mindset work should be an important part of any soul-based launch. 

I know that if you don’t have a support team then launches can make you feel like you don't have any time in the day, but mindset work is going to actually transform your launch and make it more successful. It's not something that you can put off. 

 So double down on your mindset work and believe that launches can be fun and easy.

And I promise — because I know this probably sounds crazy to a lot of people who have launched before, and the idea of “fun” is nowhere in their vocabulary during a launch — but I promise that it is possible.

I've helped businesses have launches that are smooth and effortless and just completely enjoyable.

Where the business owner is confused about what to do in a launch because pretty much everything is already taken care of for them.

But you have to believe that it's possible and you have to be in that space in order to allow your launch to be that way. This is what opens up the SPACE within you for the thoughts & inspired actions that can allow that to be a reality.

Yes, there are obviously things that help with launching no matter what:

Having a group of people that you communicate with on a regular basis helps no matter what. Working on your messaging and copywriting so that your people are turned on by what you say helps no matter what. Being very clear on what juicy transformation the program provides helps no matter what.

But the way that all of that is displayed will be IGNITED when it comes through you as the leader of your mission. As the visionary CEO of your business. And as the example that your shit works.

So, if you're listening to this and wondering what actionable steps you can start taking to make your next launch feel like it's coming straight from your soul…

And to make it fun and enjoyable instead of a stressed out mess…

That's a big part of what we do in the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

I'll be helping 10 spiritual business owners either develop or perfect their perfect program that they can continue to offer for years to come.

And once they have their perfect offer, we're going to talk about how you can build your team & create systems in your business so that your launches are actually fun. To take a lot of work off of your plate and allow you to relax into it. 

And you’re going to be part of a community of other like-minded CEOs who have been where you are before and can support you in sharing your soul purpose with the world.

So if you always feel like you’re drowning during a launch, or you have launch PTSD and you find yourself never wanting to launch again... go to learn.thedirtyalchemy.com/aba-app-2023 or click the link in the show notes to learn more about the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

I’ve been helping 6- and 7-figure businesses make their launches more in the flow for years so I’m really excited to be able to TEACH this to other badass women entrepreneurs and help them make a huge impact with their businesses.

Because the energy you put into launching comes back to you -- and telling yourself you “never want to launch again” when your business relies on launching is just not going to get you anywhere.

So if this sounds like you, I hope you’ll allow yourself to do your soul work and enjoy launching again. Head over to learn.thedirtyalchemy.com/aba-app-2023 and learn more about the Alchemical Business Accelerator. 

magical spiritual business biz entrepreneur astrology tarot marketing ritual

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