How to Use Your Business As a Playground for Your Soul's Evolution

I’m sharing an epic presentation I gave during the Women’s Ascension Summit.

I covered...

  • What “business as a magical practice” even means

  • Why business is an excellent medium for spiritual growth

  • Common blocks magical people have in building their businesses and how to overcome them

  • Practices we can use to catalyze our businesses as a magical practice

If you’ve always known your business is more than the way you make money — but it’s also a way you can express creativity and bring intentionality into your life — this episode is for you.


Marketing is all about relationship dynamics. It’s always human to human — even if it’s B2B or B2C. Part of being a spiritual business owner means deprogramming the idea that your work is tied in with your worth — especially if you own a business and care deeply about what you put into the world. Being a business owner means working on your relationship with other humans and with yourself.


Why magical people often have a block around being paid to do what they love. (18:20)


A lot of us think we should be paid the most for things that suck, that we don’t enjoy doing. But we should actually be paid the most for things we do in our sphere of genius — the things that feel easy and come naturally to us. And we should be spending 90% of our work time in that sphere of genius. But to get there, you have to let go.

“As business owners, we hold the power. Our work is to integrate our conscious and unconscious, to heal ourselves, to clear karmic patterns, and decide on better beliefs. All of this impacts our business.” - Sam Garcia


Why you need a deeper mission or “big why” in your business. (31:00)


Maybe you started your business because you hate working for someone, you can’t sit in an office, or you wanted to have access to a lot of money. That’s all great! But if you don’t create a bigger “why” to your business, you might hit a level of sustainability where you’re happy with your income, but suddenly the money doesn’t really matter. And you have to find a new fuel for your business… especially when things get hard. Having a bigger mission is important to prevent you from falling into the slump.

“How your business runs impacts what you manifest in your life.” - Sam Garcia




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FREE Guided Meditation to Meet the Soul of Your Business

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