How to Own Your Integrity, Fully Embrace Yourself & Step Out of Your Spiritual Closet

Are you out of your spiritual closet?

Come on, be honest.

Do you speak your truth outside of private facebook groups full of like minded people and soul friends?

(This question is about integrity.)

I’m all about the sacred container. Having the space to go inward, to transform. The underworld that we have to dive into to find what’s hidden inside of us. The cocoon.

But are you using this as an excuse?

Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided. In this week's episode, Sam talks about how you can live in integrity by fully embracing all parts of yourself. She also shares some journal prompts to help you dive deep into your being and figure out how to celebrate who you really are.





And maybe you’re LOUD & PROUD witch or healer & you’re hiding the ‘I make a fuck ton of money’ side. Or the goofy side, or the ‘yes, I’m spiritual & I love me a gin & tonic’ side.

Integrity is the state of being whole and undivided.

True integrity is being yourself 100% of the time. Not just when it is comfortable, convenient, and easy. Not just when you’re alone in your house, or in a room full of people who think, talk, and act the same way that you do.

It’s also honoring you as a human that feels different from one day to the next or one hour to the next. Who is complex, paradoxical, and multi-dimensional.

Now We’ve all met that person. Who is unapologetically themselves. You feel them. They’re kind of intoxicating. You just want to be near them to suck in their fumes - the essence of someone who is fully integrated. Who accepts the good, bad, ugly, stunning, obnoxious bits of themselves.

(I talked more about integrity in this Instagram live — check it out if you want!)

integrity spirituality

The big question I have for you today is:

What if you chose your soul over society?

What if you chose your integrity over making people like you and making everyone happy?

What if you started saying what you wanted to say and did what you wanted to do? Over and over and over again.

Well, at first it’s going to be uncomfortable. Yes, there will be those comments trying to poke holes in your expression - those people who obviously don’t see the intention (and beauty) behind what you’re doing.

Yes, you’re going to have to learn to put up healthy boundaries. 

You’ll actually learn what your true boundaries are. And you’ll start doing that from the beginning, not after a boundary has already been crossed and you're triggered into anger or awkwardness.

By living in your truth the people around you will change.


And for the better.

And When we stop looking for likes and shares and pats on the back. When the expression of our soul comes first, we fall into integrity and into alignment.

(And for those of us that work with clients it means that you are attracting those that are meant to learn from you, those that spontaneously heal when they work with you. 

And it also means you repel those that aren’t your soul clients ;) )

integrity spirituality religion embrace yourself shadow work

How to embrace all the nasty parts of yourself

So If you’re here you probably feel the cellular backlash of witch burning. Maybe you even have dreams or memories of burning at the stake. Your crucifixion.

Or maybe you’ve experienced sexual abuse. Coming from a past where it was actually unsafe to be seen or noticed. 

For a lot of us this somatic pain is sitting in our unconscious, but running our lives. An undercurrent of fear that causes us to hide, or wear masks, or dabble in a bunch of different things but never fully commit to or complete anything.

But here’s the important shift: You are safe now.

You can Take a breath and go inward. Deep into your belly. Through your womb, deep into the core of the earth. And know that You are safe now.

You can know that This is your time. Our time.

To step out of your spiritual closet. Talk about your shame, fears, wounds, as well as your ecstasy, gifts and excitement.

We can Use sacred containers like a Queen’s inner chambers. To be held and nurtured and rejuvenated.

But don’t stay in your ivory tower. Don’t stay hidden.

You are not here to hide your truth. You are here to HEAL the world with it.

Journaling Prompts for Integrity & Integration

journaling integration self

I’ve put together a few journal prompts to take you deeper into this topic. Deeper into integrity.

Remember to breath & get centers. It only takes 3 deep breaths - a few seconds.


What are the most important values for you?

Some examples may be family, love, creativity, wealth, spirituality, kindness…

What are your biggest priorities right now?

How do you spend your time?

(and I invite you to actually track your time to see how many hours you’re doing certain things)

How do you spend your money?

(big juicy exercise in going through your bank and credit card statements line by line to see where your money is going)

What parts of you do you feel like you have to hide? How would it feel to share those parts of you? How would it feel to that part of you to be seen and accepted?

What do you want?

What else do you want?

And what else do you want?

What if the fastest way to get alllll of those things is to love, accept, embrace, honor, and display those parts of you that you’re hiding?

A lot of juice in there. Can’t wait to hear 

If you enjoyed this one make sure to screenshot the episode & post on IG Stories & tag @thedirtyalchemy ! I’d love to see & share.

Before you go… exciting news!

We have a super exciting event coming up!

It’s called Your Best Year Yet & its a free 5-day business alchemy experience at the end of December, to help you plan your business goals for 2021.

It’ll be 5 days of podcasts, with rituals, meditations, workbooks & guidance, even expert astrologer advice!

I am so so so excited, and I promise you, you don’t want to miss this.

You can sign up for all the additional goodies for free right here!

I can’t wait to see you there!


The River of Consciousness (or, why integration is so juicy)


How to Grow Your Business with Planetary Magic