2 of the MOST COMMON MISTAKES you make during course launches
Discover how to make your launches more profitable, spacious, and successful.

2022 Astrological Forecast with Robin Langford
Astrologer Robin Langford joins Sam to talk about the astrology of 2022 that business owners need to know, so you can plan your launch dates with confidence.

Very Special Episode: Answering Your Questions & Sharing My Favorite Things
Sam answers your questions on how to conduct a yearly review, the best way to invest in your business, membership programs vs. 1-1 coaching and more.

#behindthescenes of my $72K launch
Sam shares key insights & takeaways from the most recent launch of the Alchemical Business Intensive.

Behind the Scenes of the Alchemical Business Accelerator Launch
Behind the scenes of the first launch of a magical marketing business! Sam goes into allll the things she did strategically & magically to support hitting her goal! Learn how to make your online program launch a success, attract ideal clients, hit your big money goals, and more.

Why You Need A Soul-Based Launch Instead of An Ego-Based Launch
Today, we’re talking about today is the difference between an EGO LAUNCH and a SOUL LAUNCH. This isn't something I hear people talking about a lot. But it IS possible to be really tuned into your business, ecstatic about your customers, and just totally in the zone throughout a launch.

Discovering Your Core Mission & Being of Service as an Entrepreneur with Cara Kovacs
Cara Kovacs is a 3rd generation healer, intersectional feminist empowerment coach, and founder of Ancestral Alchemy: the online coven for ancestral healing with astrology as a guide. She joins us to discuss her journey as an entrepreneur, how she found her core mission, and why opening yourself up to be of service is a good business decision.

How to scale your business with the 4 elements of nature
Are you building a naturally balanced business?
Businesses, even online businesses, are built within the constructs of the laws of nature: earth, air, fire, water.
Depending on where your own personal elemental balance is — the balance of the business owner — leads to how your business plays out.

How to delegate when you’re a control freak (written by a recovering control freak)
The time you put into delegating and teaching your team how to do certain tasks is not wasted. It’s an investment in the future of your company.
We’re breaking down the best ways to delegate to your team so you can level-up your business and stay in your zone of genius.

How to make your customers love you & your online program
You’ve done all the hard work to get new customers, clients, or members. Now it’s time to love up on them, so that they fall in love with YOU and want to keep coming back for more!

The 8 Phases of a Numinous Launch
Do your online course launches have you on a roller coaster of burn out? If you’ve ever launched an online course or membership before then you know that they can be… stressful. Luckily… there is a way to make online launches (or projects in general) more in the flow.