Awakening and Healing in Your Business with Alexandra Roxo and Sabrina Crockett
Sam chat’s with dynamic duo Alexandra Roxo and Sabrina Crockett about the behind-the-scenes of an online magical business. They discuss the most important lessons they learned to create a dream team and what they do to keep business in the flow.

Behind the Scenes of the Alchemical Business Accelerator Launch
Behind the scenes of the first launch of a magical marketing business! Sam goes into allll the things she did strategically & magically to support hitting her goal! Learn how to make your online program launch a success, attract ideal clients, hit your big money goals, and more.

Very Special Episode: Behind the Scenes & Your Questions Answered
Should you pay for Instagram followers? How many offerings should you have? This week's Very Special Episode of the podcast covers YOUR questions + the favorite tools of a spiritual entrepreneur.