Discovering Your Core Mission & Being of Service as an Entrepreneur with Cara Kovacs

Cara Kovacs is a 3rd generation healer, an intersectional feminist empowerment coach, and founder of Ancestral Alchemy: the online coven for ancestral healing with astrology as a guide. She has been featured in Bustle, O Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Elite Daily, and others. Her core mission is to help more people live from the truth that they are wise and worthy.


“Entrepreneurship is a spiritual journey.”

This week, Sam chats with Cara Kovacs, 3rd generation healer and empowerment coach, about being a woman entrepreneur, her journey to understanding her core mission, why opening yourself up to be of service is a good business decision, and so much more.





On her journey to becoming an entrepreneur. (7:00)

Cara discusses her journey from hustling and working 4 or 5 jobs at a time to stepping into the role of entrepreneur. Throughout her 20s, she worked many different jobs while trying to figure out what her calling is. All timing is divine timing — and Cara came into her core mission at exactly the right time in her life.

For the first 2 years of her business, she kept hustling under the belief that work needs to be hard and success takes years. She kept having side hustles until June 2020, when she decided to give up her side hustles so that she could fully focus on her business.

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On how opening herself up for service allowed her business to thrive. (9:00)

When the pandemic hit, Cara began offering free daily readings to people on Instagram live. This decision to make her gifts available to others, and to be of service in a crisis, her audience grew expansively and that enabled her to have the current business success that she has today.


“Give yourself the grace to allow your behaviors and patterns to shift when the world is in crisis.”


What advice do you have for people just starting out? (49:30)


If you feel really called to be of service or create something specific, trust that instinct. That’s the biggest piece of it. If you don’t have that yet, do your spiritual practice to communicate with your inner self and the divine to get clear on your core mission. And know that it has to happen organically. All timing is divine timing, and if you don’t feel like you have your core mission yet, it will come. But you have to work toward it.

And then, when you have your core mission, invest in outside support. Finding a coach that can help you is invaluable. If Cara had done that a year earlier, she believes she would have tripled her income from her first launch.


"Trust the divine timing that when you awaken to your core mission, that’s what you should be doing.”


On “supervision” and how she uses it in her work. (52:00)

Cara comes from a clinical background in psychology, where supervision is a requirement for getting certified. She has brought this mindset into her work as a healer and coach, where she makes sure that she is investing in coaching for herself so that she is always getting feedback and learning from a mentor.


“Invest in help. Invest in support. Invest in someone who can cut through your self-limiting beliefs, and knows what you need because they’ve done it before.”



Free People Astrology Hat

Cara’s Aqua Prius named Poppy

Amanda Bouchie’s Flourish & Conquer Mastermind

Pranic Healing with Annelise Valery


Find Cara here:

Instagram: @carakovacs_


Join Cara's Moon Crew

Cara’s book 100 Things I Love About You


Let's stay in touch!

FREE GUIDE 8 Phases of a Numinous Launch

Instagram: @thedirtyalchemy


Stepping into Your Role as the Visionary CEO


3 Ways to Hold More Energy in Your Business