2022 Astrological Forecast with Robin Langford

Robin Langford of Wicked Veracity is an astrologer, stoic witch, philosopher, teacher, and life coach. She helps you navigate the crossroads of fate and free will so that you experience life on your own terms. Robin is the creator of the Digital Astrology Calendar and helps entrepreneurs work with astrological energy to move their business and lives forward with greater ease.

Robin recommends that every business owner works with a traditional astrologer & time lord that can help you make decisions based more specifically on your chart. The astrology she shares today relates to the collective, so it may impact the people you work with or the technology you use - even if it doesn’t impact you.

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Robin recommends not launching during a Mercury Retrograde to save yourself from the tech issues and unexpected complications.

But Retrogrades, especially Mercury Retrogrades, are a good time to review the work you’ve done so far and take stock of what has worked & what hasn’t. 

This is when to prepare for your next launch: check all your links, double check all your emails, and make sure everything is ready to go.

Mercury retrogrades of 2022:

  • January 14 - February 3

  • May 10 - June 2

  • September 9 - October 2

  • December 29 - January 18, 2023

January 1 - February 2: Proceed with Caution

January will be all about re-evaluating who you are, what you value, and how you value yourself. This is also a great time to evaluate the practical parts of your business.

The astrology points to this being a great period for planning. Prepare for your launches & plan your marketing. This is also a great time to batch your social media content or podcast episodes. Create a ton of content so that everything is planned & ready to go when it’s time to launch later in the year.

As for launching in January? Here’s Robin’s take: “I’m just gonna say don’t do it.”

Venus will be Retrograde for most of January until the 29th, and Mercury goes Retrograde on January 14th. Robin recommends proceeding with caution during the latter half of the month, until Mercury goes direct on February 3rd.

February 3 - April 27: Take Action & Move Your Business Forward

If your business is centered in love, sex, or relationships…

February is going to be a great time to launch your programs & offers. This is also a great time to do sex magic.

The astrology of this month will support you in marrying the polarity between the masculine & the feminine. That’s because Venus, newly out of Retrograde on January 29th, is conjunct Mars from February 14th through March 10th.

If your business is really dreamy…

February 18th is the perfect time to launch ethereal programs like hypnosis, meditation, anything like that. It’s a heavily Piscean time so the energy will support you being in-flow and dreamy.

On March 2, there will be a New Moon in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, Mars & Venus conjunct Pluto, and Mercury conjunct Saturn. All of this means it will be a very grounded & transformative period — a feel-good time!

If you want to get more serious & direct in your business… 

From when the Sun moves in Aries March 20th through April 27th, this is the time to light a fire under your ass & be action-oriented. 

There is a lot of Mars energy during this time. So if you have a practical business — like a tax business or a design business, a feng shui business, anything hands-on like that — this will be a great time for you to take action.

April will bring some soft flowy periods as Venus moves into Pisces and conjuncts Neptune. But all that Neptunian energy means you might become confused, and maybe even not know what is real and what isn’t, during this time. 

So if on April 27th your numbers look bad, don’t freak out! And if somebody makes you an offer that seems too good to be true, it probably is.

April 28 - June 3: Wait it Out…

This summer, multiple planets will be in Retrograde & we have two eclipses. So everything is going to be harder, but there are degrees of how difficult things are going to be.

April to May is an eclipse window with Uranus in Taurus that is ripe with conflict. This is a time for cord cutting and major shifts. Venus & Jupiter will both be in Aries, so there’s a lot of fighting energy.

Robin recommends using the days from April 28th - June 3rd as cave months. Lay low and don’t take big actions. It can be a turbulent time to make big decisions, especially financial ones.

So this is a great time to review everything. Do your taxes, create a solid budget where you look through anything that’s been hidden or hard to pin down. Do anything you would usually feel antagonistic toward — that could be finances, or it could even be working with a personal trainer or doing anything you have resistance to.

You’re probably going to have the desire to do a ton of stuff with Venus & Jupiter in Aries, so you’ll have to redirect that energy.

The window of opportunity this summer…

If you need to have a big launch or event this summer, do it between June 4th and August 21st. There are still planets slowed down in Retrograde, but Mars moves into Taurus which slows everything down. It will be much less supercharged than the start of the summer!

August 22 - Oct 21

This time will feel slow so you’ll have space to get things done. 

The Virgo New Moon will bring a lot of challenges to whatever you're trying to initiate. This Mercury Retrograde makes this even more challenging, because Mercury is the ruler of the Virgo new moon. 

This is a good time to do detail-oriented things like paperwork, editing your podcasts, or auditing & re-recording your online courses.

October 22 - November 21

Robin recommends taking it easy as the astrology of these days is some of the most challenging of the year. It will be more difficult to get what you want during this period. 

During this time, there will be Venus in Scorpio, the Sun in Scorpio, the moon in Scorpio, and Mercury goes into Scorpio too. It’s a very Scorpionic time! This is highlighted on October 25th with a partial solar eclipse at the Scorpio new moon.

November 22 - December 26

This is one of the most supportive periods of the year! 2022 is going to end much easier than 2021 did. There will be a lot of factors creating forward momentum in business.

The Sun will move into Sagittarius and Jupiter will go Direct in its favorite sign of Pisces on the same day. Since Jupiter rules finances, career and fame, your business is going to feel propelled forward when Jupiter is happy. When it moves into Aries on December 20th, you’re going to feel very individualistic and very focused on conquering your tasks.

Where to find Robin:


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