How to create MOMENTUM in your business

Back in college, I studied physics.

So I'm doing a little throwback today to a physics term that gets tossed around a lot: momentum.

Momentum is where you measure the velocity of a mass (you know, a baseball... a coffee mug... you and me...) to see how fast it's moving in a specific direction.

"Okay, okay," you're thinking. "But what does this mean for my business?"

Well, just like a ball rolling down a hill...

...your business has momentum when things are moving forward, picking up speed, and you expect that trajectory to continue forward.

This is important. It changes the energy you bring into your business.

Moving forward & being confident that that forward motion will continue feels significantly better than being stuck, or not being sure if you’re actually moving forward.

This will help you build resilience and create a sustainable business, because if a bump shows up in the road, you’ll be able to keep pushing forward to get through it.

If your business has its own momentum, you can also take time off and your business will keep running.

All of this allows you to have more grace for yourself. And it allows you to take time off and step away from your business as needed, without worrying about the whole thing grinding to a halt.

Common mistakes people make that stop them from building momentum...

Try everything without reviewing the results

This is one of the most common mistakes I see from people who are trying to hit the next level of their business, or just beginning their business.

Going in a bunch of directions at once actually decreases momentum.

What to do instead? 

business confidence and consistency

Laser-focus on one approach, do it consistently, and then measure the results, so that you know if it works. Instead of throwing a bunch of spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

Huge bursts of effort followed by ghosting your audience

Trust is a key part of marketing, and if you’re not building a relationship where your audience can trust you to show up, you’re not going to build momentum.

Only giving yourself credit when hitting massive goals

You’re never going to create that resiliency and self-trust you need to keep showing up and believe in yourself and your mission if you only celebrate the big goals.

Because there are a thousand tiny victories every day that allow those big goals to happen.

What to do instead

Have clear priorities every quarter and every year.

This will help you keep up with what actually needs to happen in your business and where you should be directing your energy.

So you can start skipping over things that aren’t bringing you to your goal.

magical online business

Create consistency on a weekly and monthly basis.

That means choosing one marketing channel to focus on and pour your energy into.

Doing one thing consistently instead of eight things randomly is going to be infinitely more helpful (and it’s going to feel like way less of an energy suck too).

Celebrate successes and failures on a regular basis.

Ideally, you would be doing this on a daily basis.

Celebrating failures is a great way to lift the weight of them off your shoulders. Remember that every failure is getting your closer to your goals, just like successes are.

So, what actions can you take today to create momentum?


  1. Decide on your priority for the rest of 20201.

  2. Get in the habit of celebrating a success and a failure every single day

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