How to Set Your 2022 Goals for a Ridiculously Great Year

How to Set Your 2022 Goals for a Ridiculously Great Year

It’s our last week of 2021 so the last podcast episode of 2021! And today we’re talking reviewing 2021 to set 2022 goals. This is so you can have more fulfillment, impact, and cold hard cash in 2022. Goal setting is about giving a direction so that your actions and your magic are focused on a desired outcome. It also gives direction to the much larger support system that exists & wants to support you on your journey, be it angels, God, Jupiter, Venus, your ancestors, spirit guides, or whatever else you relate to as the massive amount of beings and energy that wants to support you in your work.

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Planetary Magick: Saturn & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a ritual to banish procrastination)

Planetary Magick: Saturn & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a ritual to banish procrastination)

Saturn rules powerful energies that relate to business: order, reality, karma, mastery, and time. It’s also the magic of death, so that means Saturn is the magic of transformation.

If you’re in the process of transitioning away from a business idea that hasn’t been working, Saturn can help you to kill off the ideas that don’t serve you and clear the way for a new, better business.

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One key to growing your business: Sales calls that give value

One key to growing your business: Sales calls that give value

I definitely fall into the camp of not having any regrets because all of the fuck ups and failures and totally embarrassing & cringe-worthy experiences I’ve gone through has gotten me to where I am now… But I did do a mental exercise the other day & ended up thinking about “What do I regret not doing sooner in my business” And there were a good 5 things that I identified as key elements that would’ve gotten me to a successful, scalable, profitable business in 2 or 3 years instead of 10. I’ll take you through all of them in time but one I really want to highlight today is sales. It’s one thing that I know limited my earning potential - being unwilling to do sales calls. Probably beyond even that was not realizing that I should be doing sales calls in the first place. So tune in for some best practices for doing sales calls that GIVE VALUE!

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