Earned vs. Owned Audiences (and why one is so, so much better)

There's a marketing concept called earned vs. owned audiences.

It's a basic concept and SO IMPORTANT… but I don't see a lot of people in the online space paying attention or talking about it. (Even though it’s really important!)

Your owned audiences are people who YOU have control over whether they hear from you.

Things like an email list, Facebook group, or even your website. The people on these lists are totally your audience and no one can take them away from you. And you get to decide how often you are talking to them (through weekly emails or group posts, etc.).

Basically… you have the control here. And that’s huge.

Your earned audiences are people who follow your social media accounts.

This is your Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook following. You're building up a following and gathering likes. But you're not in control over it. Remember back in 2010 when Facebook changed the algorithm and people were running around desperate to change their business practices to get more likes, because that’s what the algorithm wanted? That’s an issue you run into with earned audiences.

I went way in-depth onto this topic on my IGTV story here:

Click the image directly or click this link to watch the full video!

I’m sharing everything you need to know about earned vs. owned audiences — one of the most important marketing strategies that no one really talks about.

Are you building your owned audience??

We need to let go of the attachment to vanity metrics & focus on what actually increases REVENUE and PROFIT in your business.

Click here to listen to the full video (it’s less than 7 mins!)

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