How to Create Quantum Business Growth Using Non-Attachment

I consider one of my superpowers to be my ability to cut ties.

My willingness to pick up and go.

Right out of college, I refused to put down roots. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew where I didn’t want to be.

A year later, I got a random opportunity to move to Maui.

I broke up with my boyfriend.

I moved on from friends.

I left my entire life behind to pursue a brand new course for myself.

I did think because I wasn’t unnecessarily attached to what I had.

And it allowed me to create the beautiful, wonderful life I have now.

So many of us settle because of attachment. It’s so convenient to stay put.

Maybe you hate your job or where you live. If your story about it is, “This is just how things are,” you’ll never make a change.

As magical people, we know that we live in a holographic universe.

Everything we change inside will ripple out to the rest of the world.

But something lesser-known that I’ve found to be true is that making external changes is one of the fastest ways to create huge internal changes.

That means leaving a relationship that doesn’t work for you, or moving somewhere new.

It’s the reason why feng shui works (listen to my interview with feng shui expert Amanda Gibby Peters to learn quick tips to start changing your external reality today by shifting the energy in your home).

Getting to the Root of Your Problems

Once you know where you want to be – you’re in the house or the job you want to be in, you love your relationship and friendships, you’re working with clients you LOVE…

… suddenly, you need to look at the root cause of your problems.

Because your brain can’t just blame it on your job or where you live.

Instead, you can look at your life the way it is right now and figure out what thoughts or beliefs are holding you back from what you really want.

Creating Your Dream Reality

As a magical person, you already know that miracles can come in and opportunities can appear that you thought were impossible.

That happened to me with my housing situation here on Maui, where I’ve paid as little as $500 a month for housing in one of the most expensive places to live in the world.

But first – you need to know what you actually want.

Journaling Prompts

What are you attached to that isn’t serving you?

What are you attached to that might be holding you back?

What are you having a hard time letting go of?

And the most important question of all…

What do you really want?

Now – and this is a highly magical practice – price it out. Once you know what you actually want, you can start making those desires a reality.

What does being rich mean to you? 

How much would it really cost to have that apartment in the Bay Area? Or to have fresh flowers in your house every day?

Let’s stay in touch!

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Why I moved to Maui and how it helped me build my online business