Becoming the Visionary CEO for More Profit & Productivity with Tamara Green, Helena Grant, Maude Schellhous & Robin Langford

This is a core element in having a profitable & productive business.

If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, you’ve heard me talk about this.

Being the Visionary CEO can completely transform your business (and your EXPERIENCE of your business).






I reference this study from the Harvard Business Review all the time.

They studied a group of CEOs and found that they fell into 2 categories: CEO Managers & CEO Visionaries.

CEO Managers are exactly what they sound like – managers. They manage the people and projects in the company, and they have their hands in the day-to-day occurrences in their business.

CEO Visionaries are holding the larger vision of the company. They aren’t in the day-to-day of their business at all. This is probably what you think of when you think about larger companies.

Guess who had higher productivity?

CEO Visionaries.

And higher profit margins?

Again, Visionaries.

This is incredibly important.

If you’re a magical person, a spiritual business owner – you probably don’t want to be a manager of your business, anyway. It doesn’t light you up.

You’d rather be holding the vision, honing your craft & channeling your vision into the world.

I hope this gives you a permission slip to lean into the archetype of the CEO Visionary.

Because it helps you AND your business.

What being the Visionary CEO means to other Magical Business Owners 

This week on the podcast, I’m interviewing 4 magical business owners from the last round of the Alchemical Business Accelerator: the 5 month mastermind where you’ll build your business to do the work for you.

They’re talking about what being a Visionary CEO means to them & what that transformation actually looked like for them over the past half a year.

Here’s a peek at what our guests are sharing about their experience becoming the Visionary CEO:

Helena Grant:

“The Visionary CEO to me is someone who is embodied, deeply confident, and in total communion with the fact that we are vessels for our businesses. We are called to deliver our messaging, business, and brand into the world.

A Visionary CEO can tune into the big message, the big vision, their business’ calling. And she’ll know what she needs to do in her zone -- the tasks that only she can do -- to bring that vision forward, while getting out of the way to allow her team to step up for the tasks that are in their zone of genius.”

Maude Schellhous:

"Being a Visionary CEO means to be in my sphere of genius. It means that I'm focusing my energy and my time on what really speaks to me at a heart-level. It means I'm creating a good work-life balance, freeing up my time, and making a great income so I'm not constantly under stress and pressure. And it means I'm able to grow my business by doing what I really love to do, while having a really competent and engaged staff doing what they love to do so that we can all work together.

I really have gotten the message from taking the Alchemical Business Accelerator that I shouldn’t be spending my time on the things I think I 'should' do – because I think I ‘should’ be doing everything in my business!

It's been a lot more fun to bring myself back to that place of what really matters to me, where I want to focus my attention, and staying in my sphere of genius. Because that’s really what makes my business what I want it to be.”

Tamara Green:

"It feels like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. Like there are 2 parts of myself that have previously lived separately that have now come together. There's this deep sense of rightness, even as the world continues to get more mental. 

My body of work helps people build the inner resources they need for life. I feel like I'm really in a place now where I'm ready to bring that through and have it available to more people."

Robin Langford:

"I would like to change the way entrepreneurs interact with fate and implement their free will very consciously in a way that helps them step into their fate, as opposed to fighting it. I don't think most people think about their lives in that way, when in reality it's more of a strategy game. 

For me, the Visionary CEO part of that would be me being able to show people that fate is a real thing, but it doesn't take away from their free will. It highlights the impact they were always meant to have in the world and where they were meant to be

This is YOUR chance to become the Visionary CEO

Look, I know where you’re at.

Right now, you’re so caught up in managing the minutiae of your business that you don’t have the time or mental energy to do the things that make your soul sing…

...the reasons you started your business to begin with.

If this is you – 

🙅‍♀️ You feel like you have no time for soul-based content and program creation… but you’re terrified to stop micro-managing.

🙅‍♀️ You’ve spent money on coaches before & you can’t imagine adding another thing to your to-do list… but you know there must be a way to build your business so that that your revenue isn’t tied to the hours you put in (there is!).

🙅‍♀️ You feel alone on your journey... because you haven’t found a community of like-minded CEOs eager to support you in your growth.

– then I probably don’t need to tell you that your current approach isn’t working.


Being the MANAGER of your business is blocking your creativity & magic from freely pouring through into this world… and something has to give.

Scaling your business doesn’t require you to do a bunch of shit you don’t want to do.

But it does require you to have systems in place so you don’t burn out & waste your precious time on tasks that aren’t moving the needle forward.

Trying to figure everything out on your own will only leave you feeling overwhelmed & frustrated.

That’s why I created the Alchemical Business Accelerator: 5 months to build out the systems, team & marketing automations to do the work for you… so you can reclaim your time & relax into the predictability of your business.

If you’re ready to step into the role of Visionary CEO without the non-stop hustle guaranteed to leave you burnt out & ready to burn down your business … 

… then I invite you to click here to learn more & apply today before the doors close.

if you want in, apply now & we’ll talk it out on a call and see if it’s a mutual fit.


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