When to Write a Book for Your Business with Book Coach Elizabeth Lyons

Elizabeth Lyons is a 5x bestselling author who helps people write powerful, thought-provoking books that give them credible authority & that readers can't put down. Outside of the world of storytelling, she's a mother of five, a DIY addict, a decaf coffee lover and a cupcake enthusiast. 

When is the right time to write a book as a business owner?

Contrary to popular opinion... it's not always!

If you’ve always known you wanted to write a book for your business, but right now your focus is increasing cash flow, you’re definitely going to want to listen to this.





How do you know it’s the “right time” to write a book? (3:00)

You might have heard the idea that there’s never a wrong time to write a book… but Elizabeth is joining us today to share why that’s actually not true!

So often, business owners start writing books at times that just don’t serve their businesses. The truth is, it’s actually easier to know if it’s the “wrong{ time to write a book than to feel like it’s the right time. But it’s also so common for us to come up with stories and making up reasons why it’s not time yet.

And no, you don’t need to sequester yourself in a cabin in the middle of the woods in order to get your book out in the world. Writing a book is completely manageable — you just need your expectations and vision to be aligned.

So what about if you’re about to have a baby, or you’re planning a big movie? What if you’re not sure what to write about yet? What if you’re freaking terrified?

Elizabeth is sharing exactly how you can know it’s the right time for you.

What NOT to do when you’re writing a book. (9:30)

Writing a book is a creative process, but it’s about so much more than just getting words on the page. A poorly written book that meanders with no real thread isn’t going to provide you the amount of authority that a book that is truly thought out & written with your clients in mind will. There’s a huge difference between a book that someone slaps together in one weekend… and a powerful story that takes people on a journey and inspires them to start working with you far after they read the final sentence and close the pages.

It’s the difference between a book that’s finished and a book that’s profitable.

Elizabeth walks you through how you can write a high-quality book that delivers incredible value to irs readers, so that you become a magnet for opportunities, from getting on the news to making bestseller lists.

Ready to start your book? Here’s how to actually DO IT! (20:00)

Writing a book is all about consistency and clarity. It's about knowing exactly what you want to say and why you want to say it… and then putting your butt in your chair and doing the damn thing. 

Being able to visualize what your life will look like after the book is finished, and having that strong vision of the future with your book in it, are great tools to help you overcome the challenges and doubts that will undoubtedly arise along the way.

Tune into the podcast for even more juicy advice!


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