Very Special Episode: Behind the Scenes & Your Questions Answered

For anyone new here, Very Special Episodes are where we deviate a little from what we usually talk about.

We’re still talking about spirituality and entrepreneurship and how to use your business as a magical practice (duh) but with a fun turn from our standard teachings and interviews. We do Q&As, behind the scenes, what I’m loving right now — basically whatever you’ve requested to hear about.

Welcome to our third very special episode! On this weeks episode, Sam goes through the things she's been loving right now and answers questions the audience asked. If you want to ask questions for the next Very Special Episode, which will be episode 44, you can post them in the Facebook Group or DM them on instagram.





My 3 favorite things this week:

Robot vacuum

Lovingly known as our third pet, Eufy, this was my favorite purchase of 2020.

Rich as F*ck: More money than you know what to do with by Amanda Francis

I read this book as a part of her book club when she was writing it & had a very magical $30K unexpected check from an uncle I haven’t talked to in a decade. And unexpected client referrals out of nowhere. Like 3 big referrals in 1 week.

I realize that this may be a very strange result, but if you watch her IG Stories then you know that unexpected checks & money coming from crazy places & ALSO creating stable income streams are really common for people that participate in her work.

I went into it saying “This is going to change my life.”

(which is something that I do going into any program I buy)

And committed to taking the book & the journal exercises that are included in each chapter very seriously.

Big bonus is that her approach is super feminine. Which is amazing for women business owners - creating businesses & making decisions based on DESIRES versus the “right” or “standard” or even “rational” way of doing business.

Go binge it. It’s a quick & fun read. It’s worth it.

Prepping for the Alchemical Business Accelerator

One final thing I’ve been loving… I have been having SO much fun preparing to start the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

You know when you fall in love with someone and you just can’t stop thinking about them? And even when you’re hanging out with your friends or doing other things all you really want to do is be back with that person?

That’s how I feel about this program.

I keep looking back at the sales page and just feeling so excited for the 10 women who are going to begin this journey with me in March, and I can’t wait to see the impact they’re going to have on the world.

And it just feels so good and so powerful - and so juicy!! - to be reading through the applications that have been rolling in and feeling so connected to these women and their magical & spiritual  businesses already.

And I can’t wait to get to work.

The program caps out at 10 women, so if you want to become part of this program, you can learn more about it on our website:

Now, let’s take a look at some of the questions I’ve gotten from you recently…

A lot of these questions came in on instagram @thedirtyalchemy.

If you want to ask questions for the next Very Special Episode, which will be episode 44, you can post them in the Facebook Group or DM them on instagram.

I’m answering these questions:

What should I do if one of my previous offerings doesn’t resonate with me anymore, but I know that it would continue helping other people?

Should I pay for a tool to get followers on IG? Which is the best one?

How many offerings should my business provide to my audience? I have so many ideas for great programs and I don’t know where to start.

How do I know if my business is in the right place for the Alchemical Business Accelerator? I’m a mid-6-figures biz owner and my team is just me and a virtual assistant.

One last thing…

Everyone who applies to the Alchemical Business Accelerator will get a 1:1 call with me to see if it’s a mutual fit.

So if think this program might be for you but you’re just not sure, go ahead and apply and let’s talk about it. This is a totally risk-free application.

The first few people admitted into the program will also get a marketing strategy session with me, which is a 1:1 meeting that lasts a few hours, where I dig into your marketing & business strategy before the program even begins.

So go ahead and get in now if you’ve been thinking about it.

This is for women selling services or online programs - so coaches, astrologers, web designers, or other online service providers, and people leading memberships, online courses, trainings, or masterminds.

If you’re transitioning from one-on-one to online programs, this is perfect for you.

If you have launched before but want to make it BIGGER without hustling or burning out, this is perfect for you.

If you love love love your offer & you want to get it to way more people, this is perfect for you.

All you have to do is go to and apply.

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