Your Most Abundant Timeline with Global Oracle Nathaly Granja

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Over the last 8+ years, global oracle and hypnotist Nathaly Granja has been featured on ABC and CBS working with high profile leaders in Washington DC as their personal Reiki master, teacher and hypnotist.

Now she works with awakened entrepreneurs that have created powerful movements in their respective industries. She's the founder of the Granja Vortex Method, where she teaches facilitators how to create customized hypnotic tracks that deepen client transformation. Nathaly is especially gifted at making big cosmic conversations into very practical and profitable action steps.

She can see things that have not yet manifested here. Unconscious patterns, retrieved soul history and empathic leaf. Feel exactly what you're experiencing, which has made her the go-to Oracle global Oracle hypnotist, and multi-generational healer that she is today. Over the last four years, she has helped her clients scale 12,000 to a hundred thousand dollar months and counting as coaches, healers, and intuitives simply by guiding their energetics, psychic gifts, mindset, and strategy intake into a new state of being owning their most abundant timeline. 






How your desires can guide you to set your goals from a higher place – and to actually achieve them. (2:44)

Many people think they need outside assistance from intuitives or 1 (800)-PSYCHIC in order to understand the best path forward for their business. But your body is an oracle. Your desires are your body communicating something super intelligent to you that is always guiding you to a higher place. So many people miss the mark on what they co-create for their life because they have some sort of block or story around accessing what they truly desire and actually speaking it into fruition. Once you develop the skills to access the wisdom of your body, you can start harnessing it to set goals in your business that are more fulfilling than just “make more money than last month.”

A lot of the work that Nathaly does is about showing people how to use their bodies as a tool to create money and move the needle. The first step is understanding your relationship to desire. Does it feel unsafe to actually feel in your body? Does it feel too feminine? Do we dismiss desire and override it so that we can look at the template strategy that we've been given?

On the connecting between the body and the unconscious mind. (9:00)

The book The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk is a great explanation of how trauma lives in the body. Your body responds from the subconscious mind, not your conscious mind, because of your nervous system. Anytime you're deregulated from your nervous system, your subconscious mind has deemed the situation as either safe or unsafe. So being in tune with your body does mean that you need to understand what is going on subconsciously for you.


The top subconscious blocks that Nathaly sees over and over again when people are trying to scale to the next income level. (38:30)

There are six main blocks that Nathaly is always seeing. One is that, when it comes to creating your prices or your boundaries with your clients, or setting up your containers, people will oftentimes be coming from a saving place. And that place of saving is not you being in your leadership, it's you feeling like you are indebted to someone, or that you have to do something because you have the solution. So you spread yourself real thin or lower your prices so that everyone can access you. Another block is around competition, looking at other people to determine your own success.


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