Stepping into Your Role as the Visionary CEO

Ready for your business to take off to a truly mind-blowing level of “hell yeah, this is what I’ve dreamed of”?

Today’s topic is stepping into your role as Visionary CEO.

Which is obviously about identity. But also about the very real impact that getting out of the weeds & allowing your business to flourish without your micromanaging & clenched butthole of fear.

Ready for your business to take off to a truly mind-blowing level of "hell yeah, this is what I've dreamed of"? This week, Sam is talking about stepping into your role as Visionary CEO - why you need to do it, and how to get there.





To give some context...

The self-help market is expected to have at least a 15% growth over the next 2 years. By 2022, it’s predicted to be worth over $13.2 billion dollars.

As magical business owners, life coaches, and leaders in the spirituality and occult space, that means there are monumental opportunities for us to bring our highest good to this world and change people’s lives, generate tons of money, and have a huge impact.

Most business owners, even spiritual and magical businesses, don’t realize that if they’re managing the day-to-day of their business… they’re doing it wrong.

The Harvard Business Review did a study where they found that there are 2 kinds of CEOs: Manager CEOs & Visionary CEOs.

CEO Managers spend most of their time managing projects, delegating, and working on the nitty gritty details of their business.

CEO Visionaries spend more time on the big picture, expanding the business, and coming up with innovative ideas. They’re creating the vision & inspiring those supporting her to make it happen.

So Guess whose teams were more productive? 

Nope, not Managers. Visionaries.

And who had bigger profits? Visionaries.

I’ve  seen this in action for countless entrepreneurs & online business owners over the years. 

Women who are afraid, consciously or subconsciously, to step into the full power of their role. Who spend half their time managing current projects instead of holding the energy of future versions of the business. Who are so bogged down by the everyday tasks in their business that they aren’t actively creating the big picture.

Sound like you? As business owners, as women we’re not taught to let go of control. To trust. To lead through inspiration. To receive.

But to become a visionary… you need to.

Right now, you may be desperate to free up space in your week to channel your amazing ideas and deliver your highest work through your business.

The problem is, you’re so caught up in managing or delegating the minutia of your business that you don’t have the time or the mental energy to do the things that make your soul flutter or your stir your loins… the reason you started your business to begin with.

You’re frustrated with feeling like you have no time for soul-based content and program creation… but you’re terrified to let go of micro-managing your business.

You’re freaked out by your big business goals... because you don’t want to work more hours than you already are & your revenue is mainly tied to the hours you put in.

You feel alone on your business journey... because you haven’t found a community of people who can understand where you’re at as an entrepreneur, give you feedback, and support you in your growth. (and you can’t bring these problems to the people who work for you…)

On hard days, maybe you’ve even caught yourself wondering if maybe it’s time to just give up on the whole entrepreneur thing and get a “real” job working for someone else. Just burn the whole damn thing down.

Before you go on with feeding your business plan and Articles of Incorporation through the paper shredder…

Let’s look at the 3 phases of business that no one seems to be talking about.

The first phase is the Startup phase.

This is the infancy stage.

The second phase is the Owner Reliant Business.

This is the teenager stage, or codependent adult stage where they’re living in your basement.

The third phase is the Owner Independent Business.

This is your fully grown adult business that you’re in a love affair with, or maybe it’s even your sugar daddy, paying you profits & a salary with you not even needing to show up.

magical business

Most small businesses are in that second category - the owner reliant business.

(And in case you didn’t know... small businesses are usually defined as organizations with fewer than 100 employees. Or under $1M in revenue.)

So maybe you’re saying “But I love my business! It’s my life work!! It’s my soul purpose! I don’t want to sell it or stop working at it, why would I care about it being independent on me??”

It’s like a parent saying - "why would I make my children into functional adults that are fully independent from me?? I birthed them! I want them to be dependent on me so I can make them love me & show up for Sunday night dinner!!"

Silly, right?

We want owner independent businesses because on a practical level - your priorities may change in life, you may want to focus on having and raising children, or find out that you’re uber passionate about quilting & don’t want to do anything but that for months, or travel the world, or focus on your health, or become a philanthropist…

Whatever it is - building the systems in your business so you are not chained to it to function is important.

And you can plan for that from the beginning.

So the other side of this is 

When you remove the requirement for you to show up, you will only show up from a place of overflow.

When your business does not need you to make money, and money is flowing into your life as profits from your business, you will show up from inspiration, from service, from creative spark.

You will show up from a significantly more elevated space than when you’re showing up because it needs you & you need to make money & you need more customers & it’s all on you and your decisions.

It also FREES UP your brain & your life to actually have the capacity to channel your greatest ideas and programs and concepts.

So this is so much more than being about you. It’s about your impact on the world.

Scaling your business to this place and aligning it with your soul purpose DOESN’T require you to do a bunch of shit you don’t want to do.

But it DOES require you to have systems in place so that you don’t burn out and spend all your time doing things you hate doing!

In case you missed it...

We have opened the Alchemical Business Accelerator up for application & I could not be more excited to share it with you.

This is a 13-week program for spiritual entrepreneurs and magical business owners who want to step into the role of visionary CEO without the non-stop hustle & grind guaranteed to leave you burnt out (and ready to burn your business down)

We will be aligning your business with your soul purpose, building the foundational systems you need to scale to 7 figures, all while becoming part of a supportive community of spiritual entrepreneurs cheering you on.

There are 10 spots available. You can go to t to learn more & apply.

There are so many resources out there for business owners on how to grow.

spiritual magical business

Focusing on sales, launches, email lists, even Instagram followers. It’s all about growing those numbers.

Growth is important… but it isn’t the full picture.

Think of a massive oak tree with its branches stretching high into the sky. It looks like everything happening is above the surface… the exact same amount of mass that you see above the soil is also growing underground simultaneously in the root system.

Likewise… trying to grow a tree in a pot that’s too small for it will leave it stunted, because the root system isn’t big enough to support full growth.

If you want to grow your business, you need to make sure that you are putting as much energy into building a scalable foundation as you are focusing on growth.

The Alchemical Business Accelerator is about building a root system for your business, so that you can grow your biz into an enormous oak instead of a stunted bonsai.

And there’s a ripple effect... as seeds fall from the tree, you can grow an entire oak forest. That’s the power of impact you can have on the world through your business.


There's a big shift from being in control of your business out of fear, to trusting that you are supported by your business, by your team, and by life.

I mean, do you really think your best ideas & concepts & your most powerful action or biggest compassion comes when you’re overworked?


So there is a lot lot lot in the Alchemical Business Accelerator - I’ll let you check all of that out at the website, but feel free to email me directly if you have any questions, or DM me @thedirtyalchemy on IG.

The full 13-week curriculum is on the webpage too.

The Soul of Your Business

We’ve talked about this on the podcast before in Ep 8 on Externalized Energies.

But - your business has its own soul.

It’s a separate entity from you. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can start building out the energy of your business… so that it can begin to grow on its own, without sucking all your energy away from you.

spiritual business

In the beginning, when your business is first birthed, its energy comes from your energy. You’re investing all the time and energy and money to make it stable in this world.

Then (if you’ve done it right) you get to a point where your business needs to separate from you, so that it can start feeding energy back to you, paying you, and covering its own costs... so that you can make a profit above & beyond your own salary.

Of course, we should be working with our brains, our rituals & our intuition to amplify our personal power. But our business is a separate entity from ourselves, so we can design it to act as a house for energy to build up on its own.

It builds up its own assets. It’s own identity (that’s what branding is). 

And soon enough it has a power of its own, energy of its own, that we can draw upon & we can have working for us.

Imagine a series of concentric circles… the inner circle is us. And there are more & more circles of energy that we can add out from ourselves to our business that is helping our business have more & more power.

Systems are a huge part of externalized energy. This is tech like automated email responders, sales funnels, and just your straight up website, and it’s also your SOP’s, standard operating procedures. These build you a foundation for your business… so that you’re not doing everything yourself.

In the Alchemical Business Accelerator, you’ll create the foundations in your business so that it can scale without sucking all your energy from you.

So you aren’t doing everything yourself. Or spending your time managing your team.

Instead, you’ll be free to perform at your highest level & give back with your highest calling.

When you build a solid foundation for your business that is based on proven strategies for growth and marketing, your business can scale easily, effortlessly… and magically! 

Now I hope you see how the 2 of these go together.

You stepping into the role of visionary CEO WHILE you’re also building up your business’ externalized energies.

This inner work will allow you to let go of the reins, stop micromanaging your team, or build a team in the first place.

You open up to receiving & being supported ALL WHILE setting up the systems for your business to support you.

As always, thank you so much for spending this time with me today.

If you feel called, we would love to have you in the Alchemical Business Accelerator.

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