3 Ways to Hold More Energy in Your Business

How do you hold energy in your business?

Increasing the capacity to hold energy (e.g., money) in your body is being talked about more and more...

You can increase your capacity to receive and hold uncomfortable or overwhelming sensations — and this allows you to grow.

But did you know you can also do this in your business?

A key piece of this is that your business is a separate entity from you (yes, even when you are the face of your business).

So, you can develop your business to have its own capacity for what it can hold. This can be through…

  • Having a supportive team, people who bring their own energy & expertise into the mix

  • Standard Operating Procedures so you have systems in place that your business runs through

  • Automations and funnels, so that money can come through your business even when you’re not actively working on it

If you increase your personal capacity to hold more energy and your business’ capacity to hold more simultaneously… it will have massive effects on your business’ growth potential & revenue.

You can learn more about this during my IGTV story here (it’s under 3 mins. and it’ll blow your mind.)


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