Very Special Episode! Favorite Things & Q&A

Very Special Episodes come to you every 11 episodes & they’re a bit more casual and behind the scenes, where I share my favorite things right now & answer the questions I’ve gotten between episodes.

So if you want your question answered by me in the next Very Special Episode, send it over on Instagram @thedirtyalchemy which you should definitely join if you haven’t yet. It’s linked in the show notes.

So let’s dive right into my favorite things right now...

Favorite things:

"Where are you depleting yourself unnecessarily by not being vigilant on how you spend your time?"

Favorite Thing #1: Genetic Matrix

Favorite Thing #2: Grocery delivery

Favorite Things #3: Shorter: Work Better, Smarter, and Less — Here's How by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, Ph.D



Who’s the coach or teacher who has most changed your life?



What are your favorite money mantras?

favorite money mantras

“There are already 10 people in my orbit ready to work with me.”

“I don’t need to know or understand how my next client will find me. That’s not my job. Clients find me in miraculous ways. And I just need to keep showing up.”

“I’ve already done more than enough.”


Why isn’t my course/program selling right now?


What was one of the biggest transformations in your business that allowed you to scale from barely scraping by to having excess money & supporting a team?



Applications have started rolling in for the next round of the Alchemical Business Accelerator. And a few people have been asking about what kinds of transformations have happened for the people already in the program.

It’s been fascinating to me because the CEOs in this round of the program are all transforming in huge ways… and in DIFFERENT ways.

If that sounds amazing to you & you want to tap into the unique transformation that your business needs to hit its next level, early applications are now open for the next round of ABA. 

When you apply during this early enrollment period and you’re accepted, you’ll get a bonus 1:1 call with me, where you’ll get clarity on the best moves forward for your business before we even start the program in September.

Go to to learn more & apply.

Don’t forget to send all your magical marketing questions over for the next Very Special Episode.


Let’s stay in touch!

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The 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business


Big Happy Money with Serena Hicks