Balancing Your Chakras for Business Success with Chakra Girl Co's Amber Lee Lyons

Amber-Lee is the founder of The Chakra Girl Co., a platform dedicated to inspiring modern women to embrace their spirituality while being their authentic and Gucci-bag-loving selves. She makes balancing your chakras fun and approachable — while proving that you can be deeply spiritual & change lives with your business even if you love money, wine & designer clothing. 

Amber-Lee's podcast Chakra Girl Radio gives her listeners an inside look at the chaos drama and happenings that take place between meditations when you're living a fast-paced life.

“Whatever you’re afraid people are going to think of you, make that your brand.” - Amber-Lee

Sam talks with the Chakra Girl, Amber-Lee Lyons, about her journey as an entrepreneur, what matters most in scaling your business, and how your chakras can either hold you back or skyrocket you to success in your business.






What’s up with 5D?

5D is about releasing old ways of thinking so that you’re no longer in the weeds of your life and you are able to work on your own healing and connection to source. 4D is like the dingy gas station on a road trip: go in, get what you need, and leave. It’s a dark step that you can’t skip if you want to ascend to 5D — the realization that the limited way of thinking you’ve been doing all your life is not actually the truth or the answer. With 5D, love is the answer to everything.


“Own the parts of you that you used to be ashamed of.” - Amber-Lee


Why do the chakras impact your business?

Chakras are transmitters and receptors, constantly receiving and releasing frequencies. The energies we are in while we take action in our business, the energies influenced by blockages in our chakras, can have a direct impact on what we get as a result. That’s why it’s so important to clear your chakras as they relate to common business self-sabotages and blocks.


How can blockages with certain chakras impact your business?

Your root chakra is about your foundation: grounding and momentum. If your root chakra is activated, you’re going to feel grounded in your mission & vision. Blockages in your root chakra might look like not knowing exactly what your biz is about or who it’s for, or being really general in your offerings.

chakra girl radio

The sacral chakra is about creativity. Your sacral chakra needs to be activated in order for you to connect to your own emotional story so that you can put that energy into telling your story in an empowering way.

The solar plexus chakra is associated with putting yourself out there in an authentic way, being a magnet, and abundance. It’s about having a high emotional energy, moving your life forward, and walking your talk!

The heart chakra is your service, consistent content, gratitude. It's the value you’re giving & your ability to receive. On every exhale, you’re sending value out into the world that is connecting & radiating with all your people. If your heart chakra is balanced & activated, they will see how meaningful your work is & come back to you tenfold.

Our anxiety lives in our throat chakra which can block us from wanting to fully be seen or expressed. Balancing this chakra will make you more bold and fearless in sharing your message with the world.


chakra girl radio amber lee lyons manifest

On what Amber feels like were her key factors to success.

Branding & messaging! She says that being true to herself and showing up authentically has helped her attract the right clients. And every time she re-brands her business, she attracts even more of the right people.

“Speak to your people like they’re your best friends.” - Amber-Lee



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Where to find Amber:

Visit her website:

Follow her on Instagram @chakragirlco

Tune into Chakra Girl Radio

Take her quiz!

amber lee lyons chakra girl radio chakra balance activate manifest

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