The River of Consciousness (or, why integration is so juicy)

Earlier this week, we talked about Integrity & how to own your integrity, fully embrace yourself & step out of your spiritual closet.

Today, I want to go a little deeper (or wider… whichever you prefer!) into the topic of integrity and what integrity looks like.

How we can integrate different aspects of ourselves to be more magnetic in our businesses.

Integrity is a state of being whole and undivided.

A lot of people equate integrity with morality. But for me — and for my business — it works better to think of integrity as a state of being whole and undivided.

If we’re looking at this psychologically… this essentially means you are integrating parts of yourself, your shadow self, so that you can access your purest, whole being.

Think of it this way: your consciousness is like a river.

All the smaller streams that feed into the river are different parts of your being.

Maybe one of the streams is the part of you that procrastinates. Or the part of you who makes a ton of money. Or the part of you who craves drama (even if another part of you hates it!).

You want to take the energy from those streams and bring them to the central river… so that you can bring more consciousness and power to yourself.

Just like how that river gets deeper and flows more heavily where it meets the streams.

So you become more powerful and more magnetic.

Tune into the whole video on Instagram @thedirtyalchemy.


This is part 1 of my new video series MAGIC HOUR, live on Instagram every Friday. Tune in @thedirtyalchemy to stay up to date!


Celebration time! Behind the scenes & your questions answered


How to Own Your Integrity, Fully Embrace Yourself & Step Out of Your Spiritual Closet