Becoming the Magician of Your Business & Your Life

Today we’re talking about the archetype of the magician & how you can harness this in your business and your life.

According to Oxford Languages – a magician is a person with magical powers, or someone with exceptional skill in a particular area.

And when we talk about magic, we’re talking about “the power of influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.” Or “a quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life.”

In the tarot, the Magician card is often associated with new opportunities & leadership, especially spiritual or supernatural ones.

The Magician uses the magic of her own soul to create her reality & transform the world around him. This is the card of manifestation magic.

The Magician is curious & is always expanding her views & making new discoveries. And he's always in this process of learning and discovering himself by honing his magic and having this deep spiritual connection to the universe.

So this is a major archetype in magical circles.





Magician & psychologist Carl Jung wrote about archetypes as psychic patterns found in our collective unconscious in his book, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. 

He said archetypes are "living dispositions that continually influence our thoughts and feelings and actions." Basically – they’re an aspect of our psychology that every human being can tap into & hone.

So according to Jung, the Magician is the bearer of ancient wisdom and new knowledge. They are the wise leaders creating new worlds. They have a deep connection to spirituality & the bigger picture, and they’re here to contain and channel power for the good of all.


She’s advancing the world through her thoughts & actions that inspire others. 

A huge piece of this is intuition. Every new piece of information the magician learns is filtered through her intuition.

What I find so interesting about this is when you look at ancient alchemists, they were the scientists. This is where chemistry came from. 

So knowing that the Magician relies heavily on intuition, it is done so from the place of having a super solid background of experience. 

Or in business, making decisions both from metrics & intuition. Seeing business as an experiment that you get to play with.

This is the marrying of masculine and feminine energies.

In King Warrior Magician Lover, Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette talk about the Magician as someone who “has knowledge of the dynamics of energy flows and patterns in nature, in human individuals and societies, and among the gods—the deep unconscious forces—he is a master at containing and channeling power.”

And guess what you get to do as a business owner? Channel power into your business, where your business is the container of power.


We often hear about this archetype as the masculine, like the masculine figure on the tarot card, but obviously anyone can be in this energy.

Whenever you are in your thoughtful, intellectual, healing, transformative or creative energy, you’re in the energy of the Magician. 

It’s the energy of creating something from nothing.

Shamans, healers, elders, prophets, wizards, alchemists… all of those are aspects of the Magician archetype.

If you’re a business owner, you already do that. 

Creating new offers or content. Transforming your clients in your programs. Creating a new paradigm with the ideas you’re channeling into this world. Manifesting your goals and desires in the 3D plane.

So some famous characters in the Magician archetype are the wizard Merlin, Yoda from Star Wars, Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, Dumbledore from Harry Potter… these major figures that we tend to love.

In these stories, the Magician character is always leading the hero through their transformation.

And that sets them apart from everyone else. 

Think back to our definition of magic where I said that magic has a quality that makes you feel removed by everyday life.

When you’re in the magician archetype, you’re not like everyone else.

You know that your purpose isn’t to go along with what other people are doing… and it sometimes means doing things that might seem scary or anxiety-inducing.

Plunging into the unknown.

Trusting your connection to magic & knowing everything is working out for you.

It’s about realizing that your best work comes from the liminal space, the Beyond. 

When you remove yourself from everyday life, or see the presence of magic IN everyday life, you are accessing the power of the Magician.


A simple ritual to take a personal journey with the Magician card

You can do this with any card in the tarot, but I love using the magican for magical business owners.

Pull out the Magician card and spend 2 minutes deeply looking at it, observing it.

Then set a timer for 10 minutes and invite the spirit of the card to speak with you.

Lie back and close your eyes & let the Magician archetype take you on a journey.

This practice is simple, but it’s so powerful.

In the Alchemical Business Accelerator, you’ll do emotional alchemy in yourself to tap into the Magician archetype.

You do this by dissolving your attachment to control and things being hard.

Then you activate the version of yourself who is being supported, who allows things to be easy.

So that you have more time and spaciousness to bring forward your highest and best ideas.

… to work on the projects your soul is guiding you to create.

… to guide more clients through more major transformations.

… to grow your team with awesome people who love your mission.

In this small group alchemical container, you’ll get all the tools & training you need to set up your business to run without you, so you can spend 90%+ of your time in your zone of genius.


We’re talking…

7 Life-Changing Modules to active your Visionary CEO identity & scale your business, based on everything I’ve learned during my 8+ years working with 6- and 7-figure magical online business owners 

Weekly Calls to work through the challenges in your business & get group support

✨  Accountability Partners to connect deeply with another magical business owner, cheer each other on & stay on track with your goals

Copy Coaching with my team’s expert copywriter to support you in clarifying and strengthening your message

Tech Implementation Sessions with my technology dominatrix, so you never leave a meeting with a mile-long to do list because it’s already done & you never felt like you had to figure it all out on your own

✨ Hypnotic Tracks to support growth without hustling

… and a lot, lot, lot more.

Applications are already flooding in for the next round of ABI.

If you’re ready to step into the Magician archetype, click here to apply to the Alchemical Business Accelerator.


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