Jupiter Planetary Magick for Online Business Owners (with correspondences & a ritual to build wealth)
Planetary Magick, Jupiter Sam Garcia Planetary Magick, Jupiter Sam Garcia

Jupiter Planetary Magick for Online Business Owners (with correspondences & a ritual to build wealth)

Jupiter is the Greater Benefic planet, ruler of luck & success. Jupiter planetary magick can help you to grow your business, because he rules expansion, prosperity, wisdom, and money magick. Use Jupiter Planetary Magick to grow your audience, make more money, get more clients, and create long-term success in your business.

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Planetary Magick: The Sun (with magical offerings, correspondences & a special ritual for your business)
Planetary Magick, The Sun Sam Garcia Planetary Magick, The Sun Sam Garcia

Planetary Magick: The Sun (with magical offerings, correspondences & a special ritual for your business)

The sun aligns with the energy of consciousness, well-being, confidence. This is the planet that can help you with strengthening a positive sense of self and purpose in life. It’s also the ruler of vitality and health.

Because of that, it’s really popular to work with, because so much of ourselves, our desires, and our abilities come from our wellbeing and our sense of self. This would be the most important part of Maslow's Hierarchy: you need a solid sense of self to be able to build upon if you want to achieve higher levels of happiness and success.

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