Your relationship with your SELF & your business’ success

We're digging into each of the 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business over 9 days.

Click here to watch The 9 Elements of an In Flow Business for an overview of what’s to come over the next 9 days!

Today is Day 1, and we’re talking all about your RELATIONSHIP with your SELF

Step 1: Watch the 2 min video & then...

Step 2: your invitation for today is to reflect on what parts of your business you really LOVE doing & you feel like you were designed to do.

Really try to dig in here. If you haven’t done much deconditioning work then thoughts could come up like, “who am I to be a leader in this?” or “What would people think of me if I pivoted to this?”

And that is a good indicator that you’re onto your next level.

Now I’d love to hear from you! Tell me how you’d rate your relationship with your Self from 1-10 & what your Genius is.

Follow along on the Youtube playlist as new mini-episodes drop every day!

Ready to make your business perfectly in flow… forever?

This special series is brought to you by the Alchemical Business Accelerator: the 6-month small-group program for magical business owners looking to grow their business with ease & the #realbusinessshit no one seems to be talking about.

From now until midnight on July 21st if you apply & are accepted into the Alchemical Business Accelerator then you get a bonus 1-1 strategy session with me!

Head over to to learn more & apply.


Why you need to fix your relationship with Money, STAT!


The 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business