What a Brand Voice Is and Why You Need One

We hear a lot about the importance of finding your niche market fit.

But it’s just as important to find your voice, the specific way you communicate with your audience through your personality and messaging.

Basically, how you say the things you say.

Brand voice is important because it defines how you connect with your audience.

The reason why most successful influencers are so loved is because they have a consistent and engaging voice connecting them with their audiences, so people want to hear more.

Voice is determined by the emotion, humor, and personality that drive your brand.

Most importantly, your voice should be authentic. Let your company’s core values, mission, and sense of humor shine through. When your voice is authentic, your customers can tell, and your brand will become more cohesive as what you say aligns with how you say it.

And if someone doesn’t like your voice — they aren’t the person you want to attract, anyway!

Don’t force it, keep it consistent, and your audience will start to feel like they really know you!


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