How to Find Your Perfect Brand Voice

Finding a voice that makes sense for your brand can be challenging.

Especially when you know how much your authentic self will resonate with your ideal clients and customers. The energy you put into creating your brand voice can be exactly what you need to move your business forward. But if you can manage to pin down the perfect mix of showing your authentic self & giving your potential clients and customers what they want to see, you’ll see your popularity skyrocket!

Here are 3 tips to help you hone the perfect brand voice for your business. You want it to be a mix of who you authentically are and what you’re trying to do with your business.

Ask: What is my brand?

Look at your brand holistically: mission statement, values, company culture (or if it’s just you, your personality). Your voice should authentically reflect how your brand mission and company culture come together.

Ask: Who is my ideal audience?

If you’re targeting college students, your brand should read differently than if you’re targeting men in their 60s. Keep in mind what type of content your ideal audience wants to see. Refine your focus to the people you really want buying your product — that specificity will make them connect with you so much more.

Focus on connection, not sales.

Building a relationship with your potential customers before asking them to buy your product will get you happier customers. So your audience will fall in love with your brand before they even make a purchase! Plus, the positive flow of energy that comes when your customers can see how your authentically channeling yourself will help them for a strong connection to you & want to stick with your business for the long haul.

Finding your unique brand voice can be challenging, but you need it to build your brand and attract the right audience!

how to find your perfect brand voice

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