Healing Ancestral Line Meditation

If you’re in the US - Happy Thanksgiving today & National Heritage Day tomorrow.

Today I have a special guided meditation for you that will help you heal the blocks that are holding you back in business, through healing your ancestral line.

It’s a time of coming together & being present with our families, our country, and the land we live on.

And that can be beautiful and warm and heart-opening, but it can also be triggering, alienating, and upsetting.

If you don’t feel connected to your family line, then the holidays can be painful.

If you’ve changed a lot in the last few months or years, then your family’s old patterns may now be glaringly obvious, and hard to stomach now.

For this meditation the first thing you want to bring to mind before we get into this is what you’re struggling with in business.

So take some time with your journal to write out your goals + what you feel like is holding you back from them.

Before you start, get clear on your goal & what is blocking you from getting there.

Journal on:

What are your goals?

What do you feel like is holding you back from them?

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re scaling to a million dollars, common blocks are around:

  • Money - “Can I trust myself with this much money?” “Am I worthy of this much money? “Is money bad?”)

  • Time - “My productivity is my worth.” “I need to work # hours a week to make the amount of money I want.”

  • Visibility - “It’s not safe to be seen or be myself.” “I have to make everyone happy or I’m not safe.”

Once you’re clear on the specific block or don’t like situation you want to focus on, it’s time to connect with your lineage.

One way to do that is to get out pictures of your family, to get an item that represents, or even a gift from a relative.

Alternately you can read up on where your ancestors came from - the history, the climate, the ecosystem, the food. Get acquainted.

If your ancestry used specific herbs, teas, or incense for meditative or journeying experiences, now's a great time to consume it.

Or if that has been lost to your culture, you can use one of these to aid in going deeper, trusting that the plants are allies in your healing:

Psychic / Divination Tea from Greye’s Herbal Apothecary

Enhance your psychic abilities and spiritual power. Best used before divination or ritual workings to enhance spiritual awareness and power.


8oz Boiling Water

6 tsp. Rose Petals

4 tsp. Thyme

4 tsp. Yarrow Root

2 tsp. Cinnamon

2 Tsp. Clove

*Steep for 20 min and consume with the intention of awakening your spiritual power.


Tea for Meditation and Visualisation Work

From the Engaging the Senses Foundation  

2 tsp green tea leaves

1 tsp rose buds

1 tsp peppermint leaves

1 tsp skullcap

These are all totally optional, so if all that feels like too much of a hassle to acquire & create & you’re ready for the fucking meditation, Sam!!?!

Here we go:

(The meditation starts at 05:40)

Let's stay in touch!


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