4 lies your brain is telling you that are holding you back in business

If you've ever struggled with launching, being active on social media, and doing everything in your business yourself... this episode is for you!

Sam shares the 4 most common LIES that your brain could be telling you to hold you back. And how you can break free from them.

Tune into this week's podcast to hear the full story.

Q4 starts in 2 days and the end of the year is around the corner! Fall has always been my favorite season - it feels like a time to both wind down & ramp up (this Gemini rising does love a good paradox).

While you may be already thinking about your 2023 & writing 2022 off as over... there's still SO MUCH possibility to blow your own mind in these next 3 months.

At Dirty Alchemy Digital Marketing, we help coaches, course creators & conscious leader grow their business to the next level and build a sustainable lifestyle.

Here are 3 ways you can work with me & my team before the end of 2022:


Learn more about our Done-For-You services here and apply, or just hit reply to this email and tell us what you need and we’ll send you a custom package quote.


Work 1-1 with me and my team to hit your goals in record time. This Done-With-You offer is how you can experience premium support - you get hands-on systems implementation, copy editing, energy work, and more.

Apply for your own Dirty Alchemy Experience here today and you can schedule a phone call with me to plan your quickest route to your goals.


This has everything you need to write copy that has clients lining up to work with you — from a 5-part video masterclass to easy-to-implement prompts, guides & templates — without trying to squeeze your creative genius into a one-size-fits-all formula that you just aren’t built for.

Get instant access to the Copywriting Bundle by clicking here & start improving your copy today.


Want to learn more about the mega transformations our clients go through?

Don’t take our word for it — hear it directly from them…

✨ “Visionary CEOs require visionary support. Sam is it.”

Thanks to Sam and her team, I have an amazing ecosystem of business where we are constantly innovating, marketing, sales, and service delivery run seamlessly, and I truly do very little except think and vision, which makes me feel like I'm living my dream life. Every time my desires are communicated, they are responded to cleanly, efficiently, and to my 120% satisfaction.” - Simone Seol

✨ “Celebrating that in the last few weeks I've secured 4 out of 8 spots for longer term astro-coaching since dissolving my Patreon and I haven't even announced this yet to my newsletter or IG community. This is an exponential increase in revenue with a sliver of the work output. Yes yes yes.” – Britten LaRue

✨ "I realized that I'd still been waiting for things to change before I allow myself to relax or feel good- so I gave myself more permission to do what feels good NOW, trusting that all will be accomplished in perfect time. the above attitude created space for me to have deep, vulnerable conversations which helped heal old wounds around my mother and receiving love in general.” — Past Participant

✨ “Samantha is one of the rare few who combines practical expertise with creativity, a proven track record with fresh vision, and clear opinions with adaptability. Highly recommended as both a marketer and a human." — Dave Burns

Apply here to learn more about how we can work together to make your business more expansive & in flow.


Let’s stay in touch!


2 of the MOST COMMON MISTAKES you make during course launches


4 Lies That Are Holding You Back In Business