3 things you can take from fitness to grow your business

Being successful is easy, but being top-level requires intentional work.

It’s like going to the gym.

Having a healthy body is fairly simple: eat whole, unprocessed foods (that you aren’t allergic to), heal your gut, move your body, and get enough sleep.

But if you want to be ripped or to sculpt your body into a specific shape… you have to do very intentional things that aren’t necessarily pleasant.

As you start wanting more specific results you often have to take more intentional actions. 

If you want a bigger round butt, you have to regularly do awkward-looking resistance band workouts that target the exact muscles you want to grow that give that round shape. 

Having a business that you enjoy and that pays your bills is fairly simple.

But if you’re trying to be a top 1% of women owned businesses and hit multiple 6 and 7 figures… you have to be a LOT more intentional. 

You have to do those weird exercises that target specific muscle groups.





Sustainable growth is key

You can’t just work out hardcore and never workout again or do a juice cleanse and think you’re set for life. 

Health and fitness are FOREVER things. You always keep making decisions that create them.

That’s why creating a sustainable plan is so important. 


You’ve probably heard of people doing super restrictive diets and then gaining it all back and more a year later. 

That’s because it’s not about how much you can do in the short term, or how hard you can hustle in the short term…

It's about building a foundation of healthy habits & new tastes & pleasures in the short term that will feed your long term vision.

This is a mindset thing, a habit thing, and a systems thing.

For your MINDSET, it means accepting that your business is a lifelong relationship.

For your HABITS, it’s about creating habits to exercise in a way that’s fun for you AND that you do multiple times a week.

For your SYSTEMS, it’s about laying out clothes the night before or signing up for a trainer. With your business, it’s about systematizing & externalizing way more through your tech automations & team.


There’s a fine line between being proud of what you created and looking back and not actually living life… 

You can crash diet and have a rockin’ bod and be super proud of it. But the health and the lost friendships and the mental health deterioration that happened there often isn’t worth it. 

You can hustle to hit your business growth goals and be proud that you did that… and look back over the last 12 months and see your relationships, your marriage, your health having totally been bulldozed over. 

You let this one goal be more important than YOU.

You let this one goal be more important than you having a rich fulfilling juicy life.

This can be your phase in life where business growth is your #1 priority. Consciously choosing that is a beautiful thing. 

But you have to recognize that taking care of YOU.

And if you’ve been hustle mode & growth mode for years… realize that you could be addicted to it.

Addicted to the cortisol rushes.

And you’ve allowed your joyful life to die so the most fun element of your life is your business.


Grow your business while respecting your whole self – mind, body, spirit.

In the Dirty Alchemy Experience, you get…

✅ 1:1 coaching with me

✅ 1:1 support from my team’s implementation expert (so you never leave our meetings with a headache-long to-do list)

✅ 1:1 copy coaching from my team’s copywriter.

So if you’re ready to start hitting your business goals in a way that feels effortless – whether it’s making your first 6 figure year, only working 20 hours a week, or having a team that does the work for you…

… this is your sign to make it happen – and to open yourself up to doing it with the greatest amount of support possible!

Together, we’ll build your business to run on its own while scaling to your next-level potential.

Book a 60 minute Effortless Expansion Session with me today.

We'll dive deeper into creating a plan to address the challenges in your business and see if we’re a mutual fit to work together.

Check out what one of my clients said this week about scaling her biz while staying true to her monthly intentions:

“I’ve already received more money than the amount I'd set for myself this month (my lunar calendar intentions that included lots of things I don't usually give myself), and I haven't even completed making or sharing an offer yet :)

I realized that I'd still been waiting for things to change before I allow myself to relax or feel good – so I gave myself more permission to do what feels good NOW, trusting that all will be accomplished in perfect time.

The above attitude created space for me to have deep, vulnerable conversations that helped heal old wounds.

And the daily money tracker magic you showed me inspired me to set a clear goal, and watch it come to fruition.”

Click here to book your FREE 60 minute Effortless Expansion Session.


Amplify your business with sexual energy


Emotionally Mature Client Relationships with Michele Wellington