Emotionally Mature Client Relationships with Michele Wellington

Michele Wellington is an Emotional Growth Coach and Dating & Relationship Expert. She's the CEO of Women Can Heal, a community of women who are answering the call to reclaim their inner peace, commit to their happiness, and release the conditioned patterns that keep them stuck in painful feelings in love & relationships. Her method of recovery, Embodied Womanhood, helps women to live their purpose with emotionally mature consciousness.

Michele is also the host of the Women's Wake Up Club, a podcast that brings emotional growth work into our love lives.

She’s joining us to discuss how you can have emotionally mature relationships with your clients.

The first step is to recognize our own power to get our needs met at any given moment. The root of immaturity is trying to get your needs met in a way that’s harmful to yourself or others. In business, we have a lot of needs: financial security, expressing our gifts, feeling important. We’re not hyper-individualistic robots, but we are sovereign, we are the only ones who can identify and meet our own needs.

It’s important to create the self-knowledge to know what our needs are, what our expectations around them are, and taking care of ourselves no matter what happens.

It’s about recognizing that your power & your safety are not tied up into the results you get.

Healing common wounds that come up for business owners (19:19).

Especially if you experienced trauma or neglect as a child, if you had caregivers that silenced you or told you that you were “too much,” these wounds can come up in our businesses. So much of business is about creative expression & taking chances, and that’s an incredible way to grow, but it can also be a huge challenge. If you struggle with vulnerability as a leader, you may have a stronger need to feel reassured that expressing yourself – and making mistakes in public – is safe.

Fear of being hurt, rejected, humiliated or ignored so often holds business owners back. This comes from wounding around our identity, if we have trauma related to not being good enough or not doing things the “right” way. Having a successful business means recognizing who you are & where you want to go, and these insights related to identity are so important for creating a business that fuels your soul & honors your creative expression.

Knowing what wounds often appear for you is a powerful step to moving past them so they can’t activate you anymore. On this episode, Michele dives deep into common wounds & how you can heal them.

What to do when you notice fear, self-judgment & immaturity flare up in your business relationships. (34:00)

When you notice yourself being triggered and responding in negative patterns, drop into your body. So often we are taught to go right to our thoughts & start trying to fix it, but Michele advocates making your body feel safe first. One of favorite tools is EFT Tapping to powerful affirmations – especially the idea that “How I feel is right,” or “My emotions are right.” After she calms her nervous system, she knows that she’s ready to start shifting her thoughts.


Tune in to hear Michele share her other favorite affirmations to calm your nervous system when you have an uncomfortable emotional flare-up.

Where to find Michele


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